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In Rise Up: Stories of Remarkable Faith and Relentless Courage you’ll meet people whose impossible circumstances caused them to fall into God’s hands and who were given the faith and courage to rise up and experience God’s amazing power and matchless grace.  

  • Are you facing a life-altering illness? 
  • Are you struggling to overcome abuse or abandonment? 
  • Are you worn out by the chaos and uncertainty of life? 
  • Are you desperate to have a child and create a family?  

These stories will change your life. 

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Adversity. Nobody likes it, but time and time again, moments of seemingly unbearable trouble in our lives are the precursor to the miraculous work of God on our behalf.  

In Rise Up: Stories of Remarkable Faith and Relentless Courage, you’ll meet people whose circumstances caused them to fall into God’s hands and who were given the faith and courage to rise up and experience God’s amazing power and matchless grace in the middle of a desperate situation. 

Discover how they, against all odds, stood up against the rising tide of fear, uncertainty, doubt, and regret and how they withstood the crushing weight of anger, violence, abandonment, neglect, and abuse.  

God took an unexpected trial in their lives and used it to work a miracle. He did it for them. Read and receive the faith and courage that He can also do it for you. 

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