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Daily Devotion

Heaven's Supreme Court

By Missey Butler

Have you ever given much thought to how you are going to score on the most important test of your life? I'm of course referring to the time we all stand before the living God to give an account of our lives. All right now, before you start shifting uncomfortably in your chair, or try to clear that spiritual lump in your throat, be assured that God has already provided the answers to our test even before we have to take it.

I used to display a bumper sticker on the back of my car that read "As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school!" A rather funny thought to an age-old dilemma that we all seem to struggle with. So why all the uneasiness in regard to accountability?

As I began to research my topic, I became aware of my own feelings of trepidation--a kind of uncertain agitation that arises at the mention of "That Day" or what is sometimes referred to as "The Judgement."

It is appointed unto man, once to die, but after this, the judgement. (Hebrews 9:27)

The whole thing really began to puzzle me because of the obvious distinction since I am a born-again believer! That's right, one of those blood- washed, fire- baptized, redeemed- by- the- lamb, counted among "ones" whose life is supposed to be so grounded in the Word that nothing shakes or quakes me.

I decided to take the bull by the horns (or should I say devil by the horns). I wanted to settle any looming doubt that had mercilessly harassed me. I found myself shrinking back at the very thought of just how I would fare on that day.

I knew I had to take my case to the Supreme Court of Heaven. I could pose my questions directly to the honorable judge of the universe Himself. But I wisely confessed a hesitancy to step into His hallowed chambers without adequate counsel. I knew I was in need of an advocate.

If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
(1 John 2:1)

I proceeded to seek the advice of the Clerk of Courts, The Holy Spirit, who reassured me that the decision had already been made. In my absence the case had been thoroughly deliberated by a well-known Attorney whose name is Jesus Christ. The outcome of that hearing was NOT GUILTY by reason of forgiveness! Hallelujah!

For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:13,14)

The good news is that when we stand before God, WE WILL BE COMPLETE IN HIM! This means any sin we have ever committed will already be covered under his blood, long forgotten, and never to be brought up again. Instead, only the good things in our lives will be brought to light. Our Lord will be looking to recognize every prayer, every heart cry, every tear, and every groan of the Spirit. He will call to mind the cup of cold water given to the thirsty and the morsel of bread given to the hungry. He is going to bring every good deed out in the open.

God will give to each person according to what he has done. To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. (Romans 2:6-7)

You may still ask, "How can we be sure that our bad works won't be held against us?" We have to keep in mind there will be two groups at the Judgement--sheep and goats. Each will appear separately. One group will be on the right (sheep) and one on the left (goats). This scene is described in Matthew 25:32-33. The bad deeds are to be accounted for by the unbelievers on the day of Judgement. This would probably be a good time to make sure you are recorded among the correct column of divine contrasts. For example:

A Believer - an Unbeliever
A Wheat - a Tare
A Wise Virgin - an Unwise Virgin
Walking the Narrow Path - Walking the Wide Path

As a child of ten, I was a gangly tomboy, who like clockwork, would drop whatever I was doing and race home at 4 p.m. to flop down in front of the black and white Zenith T.V. With my chin cradled by palms, I would gaze almost hypnotically at the popular series Dragnet, anxiously awaiting Detective Joe Friday to say with his famous stern voice, "Just the facts, ma'am." Even as an adult I'm still one who wants to know the facts, the bottom line, and the truth is, we will all be summoned before a Holy God one day to answer the charges.

My prayer is that we understand that our final plea will be "Innocent" of all charges because the precious atoning blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us of our sins! This message of truth is a wonderful anchor for my soul, and I pray it will be for you as well. As you stand before the great "I AM" on that awesome day, recognizing His eyes of love for you, then in front of the entire human race, He will reach out to embrace you as His bride.

Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. (Revelation 19:7)

God's "Summons to our Soul" is His calling us to a life of complete surrender to His Lordship! So when we stand on that grand and glorious day of reckoning, we will joyfully hear the words we longed for from our Master:

Well done, Thou good and faithful servant… (Matthew 25 :21a)

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