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Controversial Christian Cartoonist, Jack Chick, Dies at 92


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The man who combined fire-and-brimstone sermons with black-and-white comics, Jack Chick, died on Sunday. He was 92.

During his five decades of cartooning, Chick sold over 500 million pocket-sized tracts, ranging on subjects from the "King James Only" movement to the television show "Family Guy."

His most popular "chicklet," as "This Was Your Life!" by Jack Chick was printed over 50 million times.they are called, was This Was Your Life! It featured a man who was forced to look back on his sinful life in front of the judgment seat of God. That tract was translated into more than 60 languages.   

Chick came to faith after serving in World War II. His time overseas gave him a "special burden for missions and missionaries."

However, he was "too shy to talk to people" about religion, so he started drawing comics for distribution. He officially established Chick Publications in 1970, and soon, his tracts were found around the world - typically targeting the various culture wars of the era.

But Chick didn't just single out the secular crowd in his comics and tracts. He called out Muslims and Catholics in his tracts - among other religions. In one tract, Chick referred to the Catholic Church as "the Great Whore" and featured Jesus telling a Catholic character that the church's "false teachings are why you are going to the Lake of Fire."

Despite the controversy - or perhaps, because of it - Chick tracts continued to gain in popularity throughout the "Jesus Movement" era. One media watchdog site called Chick's work "American folk art, or even a form of religious pornography."

And his legacy lives on - for better or worse.  Earlier this summer, a parody tract featuring Donald Trump came out - featured in Chick's iconic style.

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