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Can Soy Support Energy & Workouts?

By Aaron Tabor, MD
Revival Medical Research Director - Whether you need more energy to keep up with a busy schedule, your daily work out, or to simply enjoy life, soy protein may support better energy levels.

Healthy Support With Soy?

Soy protein has key nutritional qualities that support energy, stamina, and sports performance (better lean muscle mass, endurance and recovery time)(4-6).

1) Soy protein is rich in "branched-chain amino acids" which the body can burn as "fuel" to produce energy.

2) Soy may help stimulate the release of certain anabolic hormones that promote muscle formation.

3) Soy may help sustain endurance levels during exercise.

4) Soy may help improve recovery time and reduce post-exercise fatigue.

5) Soy helps support a healthy cardiovascular system (critical for exercising or an active lifestyle).

So, the next time you're feeling low on energy, try a low-carb, low-glycemic index soy protein product for a boost.

Revival Soy makes getting enough soy simple and delicious. With Revival Soy, you can be sure you’re getting enough soy isoflavones in your daily diet—without the soy taste. And you can take comfort in knowing you’re using the #1 doctor-recommended soy protein supplement, backed by clinical studies and many patented benefits.

Just 1 small Revival shake or protein bar gives you the amount of soy isoflavones found in 6 cups of a typical soymilk (160 milligrams). A recent panel of international soy experts recommended up to 160 milligrams of soy isoflavones per day for all of the health benefits of soy.

Revival Soy has partnered with CBN. Your purchase helps support CBN. For a FREE Variety Pack with your first order of 30 bars or shakes, use Offer#702 when ordering online or via phone at

To read more, visit


1. Eisenstein J, Roberts SB, Dallal G, Saltzman E. High-protein weight-loss diets: are they safe and do they work? A review of the experimental and epidemiologic data. Nutr Rev 2002, 60:189-200.

2. Nishi T, Hara H, Tomita F. Soybean ß-conglycinin peptone suppresses food intake and gastric emptying by increasing plasma cholecystokinin levels in rats. J Nutr 2003, 133:352-7.

3. Ludwig DS. The glycemic index: physiological mechanisms relating to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. JAMA 2002;287:2414-23.

4. Parry-Billings M, Blomstrand E, McAndrew N, Newsholme EA. 1990. A communicational link between skeletal muscle, brain, and cells of the immune system. Int J Sports Med. 2:S122-S128.

5. Barbul A. The use of arginine in clinical practice. In: Cynober, LA, ed. Amino acid metabolism and therapy in health and nutritional disease. New York, NY. CRC Press Inc. 1998:361-383.

6. Rossi A, DiSilvestro RA, Blostein-Fujii. 1998. "Effects of soy consumption on exercise induced acute muscle damage and oxidative stress in young adult males." FASEB, vol 12:5 p. A653.

REVIVAL IS A DIETARY SUPPLEMENT: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Revival is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. We can not and do not give you medical advice.

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