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Supreme Court
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Order in the Court!


The Powers That Be

By Missey Butler
CBN Staff Writer -- Our nation has been called to a time of consecrated prayer and fervent intercession, in the hopes of tipping the scales toward righteous jurisprudence once again.

The judicial pendulum has swung far out of kilter, wielding almost unlimited power to an oligarchy of nine. These men and women, robed in black, have the ability to make or break the backbone of our nation by the simple stroke of a pen. The Supreme Court was never meant to be the sole arbiter of the law, but rather an arm of the government where more difficult cases were to be heard and a decision brought forth, framed within the perimeters of the Constitution.

Oh how far we have come from where we once used to be! Somehow we have bought the notion that the Supreme Court, by way of its name, truly is “supreme.” It’s time to change our way of thinking. The problem today is that too many of us have accepted the idea that we must be subservient to the powers that be, instead of the POWER that IS!

Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. The LORD sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground (Psalm 147:5-6, NIV).

This day, let it clearly be understood: No matter how grave the condition of our judicial system may seem to be, our God still reigns with absolute authority and absolute power.

But the Lord, in His great omniscience, has purposed to have a people, a holy nation, set apart unto Himself. He has foreordained an army of believers who will earnestly cry out day and night with prayers and intercessions -- a remnant who will stand in the gap and travail until His righteous standard is lifted high and all evil rulers be brought low, that godliness will once again prevail within our nation.

So then, who truly are the powers that be? They are none other than God’s praying generals who know and understand that their petitions are being heard on high and answered by…the POWER that IS!

I have seen the wicked in great power: and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and lo, he has not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found (Psalm 37:34-36, KJV).

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