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There Is A New Rule at Home

By Kathy Schultz
Staff Writer There is a new rule at my house these days. A very good rule, I might add. When school began in September my daughter, who is a teacher, stated that there was to be a new rule at home. The rule was no TV or videos may be seen on school nights. The news could be watched, but nothing else. Friday nights are the exception. This rule was established to help my granddaughter academically at school. Alexandra is now a second grader and has homework, but not an abundance of it. This leaves her a lot of free time, time to be spent more productively, learning, reading, spending time with the family, and even playing.

Since the rule has been in place, I have observed that she is often excited to see me when I come home from work. The TV, no longer a distraction, makes her much more aware of her family and what is going on around her. The exception is Friday night. I miss the enthusiastic greeting of a little girl that gives me undivided attention. Her enthusiasm is contagious and it just warms my heart when she is thrilled to see me.

This caused me to reflect on my time spent with God. How do I greet God? Do I greet my Savior with love and enthusiasm? Am I as thrilled to go to God as my granddaughter is to me? Do I take the time to concentrate on the Lord and to greet him joyfully? Do I really seek His face and read His Word or am I distracted by my own activities?

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul (Deuteronomy 4:29-31 NIV).

There are times in my life that as I have my quiet time, I am thinking about the plans for the day. I am distracted by my activities just as my granddaughter is distracted by the television. We are happy to have her watch television occasionally but we love her undivided attention, even if it is for a short while. God is happy when I come to Him and delighted when I come with thanksgiving and joy in my heart. In His presence is joy.

You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11 NKJV).

I am happy to see my granddaughter anytime, but especially love it when she really gives me her attention. Let us go to God with joy and enthusiasm, loving Him, and giving Him our undivided attention. Let's remember how much He loves us.

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