The Christian Broadcasting Network

Kevin Sima

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Desperate for Help

By Ken Hulme and Barbara Cornick
The 700 Club

CBN.comLike most kids, Kevin Sima’s favorite part of school is recess! But one afternoon, as Kevin watched friends playing with an Indonesian string toy, the toy flew apart and struck him in the eye.

Kevin’s mother Pinta says, “The worst part was when Kevin came home after the accident. I had only one dollar! I borrowed some money from a neighbor and then my husband took Kevin to the hospital.”

The news was much worse than expected. Kevin had been blinded in his right eye.

Dr. Olany explains, “The toy hit Kevin’s eye and tore the cornea and the iris. Not only that, it hit the lens and caused a traumatic cataract.”

Kevin needed emergency surgery – surgery his parents couldn’t afford. And the longer he waited, the greater the risk of infection and loss of that eye.

“If we don’t fix the tear on his cornea, bacteria will go through his system, trigger an infection and cause him to go blind,” says Dr. Olany.

Kevin’s parents were desperate to get help for their son.

Pinta says, “I just cried. I said, ‘I don’t have any money. God, where can I get help?’”

A neighbor had heard about Operation Blessing and told Pinta and Kevin’s father, Jan, that they may be able to help.

Jan recalls, “When Operation Blessing told me they would pay for Kevin’s surgery, I was so thrilled! All I could say was thank you.”

Three weeks had passed since the accident, so doctors rushed Kevin into surgery. There they repaired his cornea and iris and replaced the damaged lens.

Over the next six weeks Kevin went from being totally blind in his injured eye to seeing clearly again without glasses! Operation Blessing has provided follow-up office visits for Kevin. Doctors say he should fully recover!

“Thank you Operation Blessing,” says Kevin. “My eyes are healing, and now I can go back to school. I can read and write again.”

Pinta says, “I don’t know what would have happened if Operation Blessing hadn’t helped us. I just don’t have the words to tell you how grateful we are.”

“Operation Blessing, thank you so much,” Jan says. “Only God can pay this goodness back.”

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