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Hap Bendele
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A Proven Strategy for Success

By Ken Hulme
The 700 Club Working for the paper mill in Oregon has always been a bit risky but because it was a good paying job, Hap Bendele was willing to take the risks.

“From the beginning, we always were threatened with closing the mill down,” he says.

Hap worked the paper industry for more than 23 years until that day finally came. The mill shut down, and Hap lost his job. With only $2000 in severance, Hap decided to start a construction company. There were plenty that counseled against it.

“Everywhere we turned the message was ‘you’re not gonna make it’,” his wife Tammie says. “One was an agency worker. She just started laying out statistics for our area. She said, ‘Are you willing to have no income for approximately five years before you see a return on your investment?’”

Hap and Tammie knew something that the caseworker didn’t. They had been following a principle for success that Hap says he learned years earlier about the Law of Reciprocity.

“One day I was reading in Malachi that we are robbing God by not giving our tithes and offerings,” he says. “And from that time forward I told Tammie that we will never rob God! This is something that we have to do.”

So Hap and Tammie began to give even when their income was small. It wasn’t always easy.

“We were making $170 a week, which means we would have to tithe $17,” says Tammie. “We were used to putting maybe $5 in the offering plate so $17 seemed enormous to us. But we had read in Pat Robertson’s book on the Law of Reciprocity, that it’s just a law in the kingdom of God—when you give it will be given back to you.”

So when the mill shut down, Hap took his $2000 severence pay and bought some carpenter’s tools. He knew he could trust God because God had always proven faithful in the past. So what happened in that first year in business?

“We never were without work from that day on,” says Hap. “My income has never gone down. It kept climbing."

By year three, the small construction business was grossing a half million dollars a year.

So what has Hap learned about the connection between giving and income?

“I know in business if you want to be successful you have to give,” says Hap. “And I tell Tammie that anytime we’re struggling, we’re not giving enough.”

One place Hap and Tammie have enjoyed giving over the years is to CBN and Operation Blessing.

“It’s such a blessing to be a part of CBN because they reach out to so many,” says Tammie.

Today, Hap’s career has taken yet another turn, this time because an even better opportunity has come his way working with his brother as partner in his printing business.

As for his income?

“It keeps raising, and I’m doing something that I love to do,” Hap says.

Ever wonder if these principles can work for you? Then take the advice of this couple who has seen them work for more than 20 years.

“Try God and see what He will do,” Hap says. “He blesses us.”

“You will never be disappointed when you give,” Tammie says. “You cannot outgive God. So many times you say if I give then how am I going to buy clothes for my children or how are we going to pay for this bill. God takes care of it when you are obedient to Him.”

Hap and Tammie saw the rewards of applying the Law of Reciprocity -- "Give and it shall be given to you" -- by giving to CBN. Here is your chance to give unto the Lord and see your dollars bring truth to hurting people, feed and clothe needy children, keep The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center phone lines operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and provide medical care to those who need a tangible touch of God's love. Become a CBN partner today!

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