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My Beloved

By Cathy Irvin
Staff Writer I remember when my little great-grand daughter "Destiny" was born. I longed for the day she would call me by name and finally that day came. I heard her little voice say "GiGI." You see, I told her I was her great-grandmother so I could be "Gi-Gi Ma." Her mother encouraged this by calling me GiGi Ma too when she would call her to the phone to talk to me.

Then one day she put two words together and said, "My GiGi," because I was holding her new baby brother, and she wanted me to put him down so she could climb up onto my lap. She smiled as I put him in his car seat. She got up on my lap and laid her head on my shoulder. I told her I would always love her and that no one could ever take her place, and no one will.

That is how our Father God feels when we call Him "Abba Father." He longs for us to put down anything that keeps us from putting Him first. He longs for that quality time to spend with us.

The other day I heard a song roll over in my mind. It says, "I am my Beloved and He is mine, His banner over me is love." The drawing force is summed up in one word, "LOVE." It is love that knits the Father's heart to ours and ours to His.

I am my beloved's,
And my beloved is mine.
He feeds his flock among the lilies (Song of Solomon 6:3).

Now, of course, Destiny has learned "My toys", because she is learning to take ownership of everything. Amazing, and she is only two years old.

I am longing for the day when she says, "My Jesus." But in the meantime, I try to teach her all about Him. I have just purchased the book Prayer of Jabez for Little Ones. She sits on my lap and looks at the pictures. I know children are good imitators of what they see sometimes more than of what they hear. I have started getting down on my knees and praying with her. "My Jesus, we love you. Thank you" and so on. I want her to watch and listen so she too will take ownership of Jesus as her personal Savior someday.

No matter how young or how old we are, we need "Our Jesus"! Nothing else can satisfy that longing in our hearts and no one else ever will!

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