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Helping a Persecuted Church


October 20, 2006

Belarus --Gailon Totheroh

New Life Church in Minsk, Belarus, is in a standoff with government authorities who are trying to take away their church. More than 150 Christians are engaged in a hunger strike to bring attention to the situation.

If you want to help New Life Church, you can do so in a number of ways.

You should know this for a certainty. The believers in that country are wonderful brothers and sisters. They are among the most thankful, appreciative followers of Jesus I have ever met.

A friend of mine and I were speaking with their spokeswoman through a translator on Wednesday. Both the spokeswoman and the man translating thanked the two of us profusely for our interest and support. Then, while we were still on the phone, they called Pastor Slava on a cell phone and he thanked us through the translator as well. He thanked us probably four or five times – as if he wasn’t busy, as if he wasn’t on the front lines of the conflict.

These are the kinds of believers who bring tears to one’s eyes with the depth of their commitment to Christ and love that overflows for everyone they meet – even their enemies. If you participate with them, they will thank you in this life if possible – and if not, you will hear from them in heaven.

If you decide to pray and fast, join the hunger strike, e-mail your friends about the situation, organize a little demonstration in front of the nearest Embassy of Belarus (see the addresses for U.S. and Canada below), write to Belarusian officials, or come up with something creative -- New Life Church would like to know of your support. E-mail with the word Support  in the subject line: where you’re writing from, your denomination, your church name, how many participants, how long you are fasting and any other details worth sharing.

Check their website at for additional information and updates.

Writing to officials of the government of Belarus is helpful. Public outcry against injustice puts pressure on officials to re-think their stance. If you decide to write, make the two points that are most important to the church: the right to own their property and the right to use that property as a fully functioning church.

Put it in your own words and say it with utmost politeness. Even if the situation is resolved before your letter arrives, it will still have a positive effect for the future. In fact, if the situation is resolved before you write, go ahead and send a letter thanking the official for doing the right thing.

Here are some addresses to use:

President Aleksandr Lukashenko
c/o Embassy of Belarus
1619 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009
President Aleksandr Lukashenko
c/o Embassy of Belarus
130 Albert Street, Suite 600
Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5G4

President Aleksandr Lukashenko
Administration of the President of Belarus
Karl Marx Street 38
220016 Belarus, Minsk

Minsk City Executive Committee
Prospekt Nezavisimosti
220050 Belarus, Minsk


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