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'He that has an Ear…'

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JERUSALEM, Israel – Bible believers are watching events foretold thousands of years ago taking place on a nearly daily basis these days. It's a powerful antidote to the daily dose of bad news targeting Israel in the media and elsewhere.
But even a cursory look at the history of the Jews reveals they're survivors. It's not because they're extra tough, better or smarter than other people. Rather it's about God and His plan.
Jeremiah's prophetic foretelling -- that God is watching over His Word to perform it -- is as relevant today as ever.
Who would have imagined that Russia would be free to deploy troops to Syria or that a U.S. president would pave the way for Iran to develop nuclear weapons capabilities?
While much of Europe – and even the present U.S. administration – embrace the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement, relegating Israelis to occupiers of Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and even Jerusalem (in fact any area outside the 1949 armistice lines), the Jewish nation-state continues to flourish. It seems the more the world demonizes Israel, the more Elohai Yisrael, the God of Israel, undertakes for His covenant land and people.
It must be frustrating for Israel's enemies, especially those harboring latent or overt anti-Semitism, who speak of wiping Israel off the map. The harder they try, the more unrelenting and outrageous their accusations, the more God strengthens Israel.
Just look at the Palestinian Authority today.
Even the most hardened secularists see God's protection in daily attempts to murder Israelis. When they succeed, the nation mourns collectively, praying for one another and upholding the bereaving family. It's not unusual for hundreds or even thousands of Israelis to attend a victim's funeral. And with all that, the bulk of Israelis refuse bitterness and continue to live side-by-side with their Arab neighbors.
Israelis know almost instinctively that the best and only response to acts of terror is to move forward with their lives in every possible way.
God doesn't miss anything. He's allowing what He's allowing for His good purposes. Israel's future is sure because that's His plan. We can read all about it in the Good Book.

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From her perch high atop the mountains surrounding Jerusalem, Tzippe Barrow tries to provide a bird's eye view of events unfolding in her country. Tzippe's parents were born to Russian Jewish immigrants, who fled the czar's pogroms to make a new life in America. As a teenager, Tzippe wanted to spend a summer in Israel, but her parents, sensing the very real possibility that she might want to live there, sent her and her sister to Switzerland instead. Twenty years later, the Lord opened the door to visit the ancient homeland of her people.