Will You Help Naomi Walk Again?

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*These are approximate costs per surgery and your generous gift will be used where needed most to help transform a life.

Naomi is 17 years old and dreamed of becoming a nurse. When she was in 4th grade, her legs started to curve outwards making it incredibly painful for her to walk. Her dream of being a nurse slowly vanished as she was forced to miss more and more classes, unable to walk to school in rural Tanzania.

Seven years passed without help. Naomi makes the best of her situation and doesn’t let her disability stop her. She still helps work on the family farm. She may have lost her dream of being a nurse, but is trying her best to build a new dream of being a farmer like her parents.

Unfortunately, having her own farm and family is still far-fetched when it is so hard for her to walk.

An outreach team came to her village and told her about the opportunity to get a sponsored surgery to fix her legs. With your help, Naomi has hope and the chance for a better future.

Will you give Naomi and other teenagers like her a fighting chance at life? Donate today and share this fundraiser with your friends to help more kids like Naomi get the life-changing surgery they need.

Be a hero. Save a life.

Total Surgeries Sponsored
11.7K From plastic surgery in Tanzania To breast cancer surgery in Kenya To fistula surgery in Nigeria.