The Christian Broadcasting Network

A Tribute to...

Norma Jean Brugone

I salute Norma Jean Brugone.  Family is her legacy.   She was the glue for many in our family.  We feel the loss, but we rejoice that she is out of pain.  Her eulogy included the song, “Victory in Jesus”, and we rejoice to know her victory is secured by the words of Jesus Christ.  He said his yoke is light and easy to bear, and she bore it gracefully as she set her heart to “trust and obey” whatever the Lord said to do. We can know she was in Christ while here among us, and we can know she is now with Christ. Some may ask, “How can you know?” With confidence we can reply, “The Bible tells me so.”  I hope her stated wish, that all her family be saved, is catalyst to all of us – to read the bible and obey all that Christ teaches unto salvation.

We Shall,

Sisretta, Antretta, and Ruthie


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