The Christian Broadcasting Network

A Tribute to...
Lynn Salisbury


So many people miss you Mom, but we know that you are celebrating in Heaven with your best friend, Jesus. Many of your family and friends have given donations to CBN in your name. We love you!





Mama Comfort


Your positive attitude and loving spirit is an inspiration to us all. We admire your giving heart and fun nature. Your children (including our friend, Amanda) are a living example of what a wonderful mother and role model you were. We miss you.


Friends of Amanda


Thank you to all the wonderful people who have honored loved ones and marked cherished events with a Living Tribute gift to CBN. Because of these generous gifts, CBN is able to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to underserved parts of the world. We are able to provide life-sustaining, humanitarian aid to third-world countries and nations suffering from natural and manmade disasters. Find out more...