The Christian Broadcasting Network

Operation Blessing

How Kindness Changed Everything

By Ken Hulme, The 700 Club

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Terry Meeuwsen was in the mountains of western Thailand. She said that the jungles there are dotted with villages where people live incredibly primitive lifestyles; homes built on stilts, no running water, no electricity.

"As if that didn’t make life difficult enough, imagine sustaining a permanent injury that left you no longer able to provide for your family," Terry said.

That’s what happened to 40-year-old Choochai. He was trying to cross a gap in this small dam near his home when he slipped and fell into the culvert, permanently injuring his spine.

"The bones in my back were crushed. The doctor said surgery was too risky, that it could leave me paralyzed," Choochai said.

So the first thing Choochai did was to learn to walk again. But that wouldn’t be his hardest challenge. Choochai was no longer able to work.

"Before, I helped others to build houses. I could climb up on the tops of houses," Choochai said, "but not anymore. I can’t even ride in a pick-up truck because it is too painful."

As he recovered, Choochai began to spend time at a small hut near his rice field. He started weaving baskets there to bring in some money. But those sales only brought in about $20 a month.

That’s when a Christian pastor from Choochai’s village asked Operation Blessing to help.

"First we up set up a chicken business that will be easy for Choochai to run," the pastor said. "Then we provided 1000 baby fish to start a fish farm on Choochai’s property. In just a few months, those fish will be fully grown and ready for harvest."

"Before Operation Blessing came to help me, I didn’t have any hope," Choochai said. "I wondered if I would ever be able to support my family. Then Operation Blessing built the chicken coop and gave me the fish. I just feel like it is such a blessing and I am so happy."

As the church and Operation Blessing helped his family, Choochai couldn’t help but ask questions about why people were doing this for him. That led to conversations about Jesus, and soon Choochai and his entire family came to know Jesus as their personal Savior.

"Finally, as we were preparing to leave, Choochai and his wife invited me to climb the ladder to see their home," Terry said. "And as I talked with the couple, I learned that the family had no electricity in their home, or fresh water near the field where Choochai works. So in the name of CBN partners, I was able to present the family with a few extra gifts: a new water tank for a fresh water supply, a new medically approved back brace, which is already helping Choochai to sit and walk with less pain. And finally, we were able to have the electricity hooked up and lighting fixtures installed in the family home."

"Now the future is brighter. The fish are growing and the chickens are laying lots of eggs," Choochai said. "I still have difficult times in my life. But I feel like I can forget my troubles because of the kind people who have helped me, like the pastor and the friends from Operation Blessing. I thank God for you."

It’s commitment… it’s love… it’s faith that God can do the impossible — that’s helping Operation Blessing change lives. You can be a part of this amazing ministry by partnering with CBN. Just $20 a month gives people like Choochai the help they need. You can make a difference all over the world. Become a partner today.

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