The Christian Broadcasting Network

Li Yun Tong
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Thank you, CBN Partners. You share in that simple, practical act of love that prevented a mother from dying and gave a young girl new hope for a better tomorrow. If you are not a partner, please join with us today. For a small investment of $20 a month, just 65 cents a day, you can bring help and a message of hope to those who find themselves in desperate need. Please join today.
choosing life

Death is Not an Option

By Ken Hulme
The 700 Club “At that time, I even thought that it might be better to die so that I wouldn’t trouble my family anymore.”

I suppose if you think about it, we would do just about anything for our moms. But for Li Yun Tong, who lives in a poor village in Western China there was simply nothing she could do to ease her mother’s suffering.

“Sometimes when I would lie in bed,” remembers Li Yun Tong. “I would hear my mom getting up to be sick, I couldn’t help but cry.”

And Li Yun Tong’s father, a hard working farmer, simply doesn’t have the resources to pay for his wife’s surgery.

He says, “She had been ill for six years. To tell you the truth, we didn’t have any money for her medical treatment.”

So Li Yun Tong simply prayed that God would show mercy on her mother.

“I would pray that God would come to our aid,” explains Li Yun Tong. “I prayed that God would see my family’s situation. And that He would help my mom.”

And God answered Li Yun Tong’s prayer with a miracle that came through friends like you! Because of your gifts, CBN was able to provide all the funds the family needed to pay for surgery and hospital bills.

When Li Yun Tong learned of the generosity of total strangers she was deeply moved.

“At the moment I felt as if I was dreaming,” recounts Li Yun Tong. “So I asked CBN if it is true. And she said yes.”

Doctors removed a large benign tumor from Li Yun Tong’s mother. Now her mom is back on her feet and taking care of her family.

By the way, when CBN learned that Li Yun Tong had put off school because of her mother’s illness and family’s financial crisis, they stepped in again, this time to pay for school fees for Li Yun Tong to finish high school. All of which make one family very thankful.

Li Yun Tong’s mother says, “I have been given a new life. I’m so grateful”

Her husband adds, “I’m grateful to CBN, to those who donated money to us and helped my family out of the difficult situation.

“To all those American friends who helped me, my mom, and my family, I just want to say with my whole heart, thank you very much!” exults Li Yun Tong.

Thank you, CBN Partners. You share in that simple, practical act of love that prevented a mother from dying and gave a young girl new hope for a better tomorrow. If you are not a partner, please join with us today. For a small investment of $20 a month, just 65 cents a day, you can bring help and a message of hope to those who find themselves in desperate need. Please join today.

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