The Christian Broadcasting Network

Mary Finegan
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Making Your Income Grow Mary Finegan doesn't have to look far to see the tremendous blessings in her life. Her in-home daycare business is booming, and she and her boys live comfortably in a small New Jersey town.

But years ago life was very different for Mary. Behind the smiles was a crumbling marriage. She divorced and faced the task of raising her children alone. And her part-time daycare, which used to be supplemental income, became her only means to pay the bills.

In spite of her challenges, Mary did something with her small income that many would find unusual.

"I knew that I had to tithe," says Mary. "I knew that had to be the first thing because I knew the Lord would bless me if I did that."

It was something her mother had taught her as a child. Mary was determined to get back on her feet without stopping her tithe. The results were remarkable.

"My in-home babysitting service started to grow," Mary says. "It was amazing!"

Mary was so grateful to God that she wanted to give more. And she knew just where to give her offerings.

"From The 700 Club I was blessed," Mary says. "I was always encouraged, [the show] always had stories of other people who were encouraged and blessed by The 700 Club, and it always lifted me up."

Mary joined the $1,000 Club, but God didn't ask Mary to stay there for long.

"The Lord spoke to me to move up to $2,500. That was a step of faith for me because it was stretching things a little bit more. I didn't make the phone call right away because it didn't logically make sense to me to more than double what I was giving and still be able to get by," she says.

But step out on faith she did! Mary joined the $2,500 Club and immediately saw God's blessing. She'd been wanting to make some changes to accommodate her growing daycare but didn't want to get into debt. Right after she increased her pledge, she was approved for a several thousand-dollar grant designed to fix up historical homes. She made those improvements, including a new roof, all at no cost! And what did God tell Mary to do next? Move up again!

"I watched another telethon -- I watch all the time -- and I got another nudge to move up to the next level, the Founders Club, and I did," she says. "I didn't hesitate this time."

In the five years Mary has run her daycare, she has gone from three kids to 15 children. And her salary has increased from $13,000 to over $50,000. Because her clients' schedules are so varied, she never exceeds the state maximum, so she's never had to hire additional help.

There's always a child or two at Mary's house, but she and the boys always have time for each other to reflect on God's blessings to them and how they are helping others.

And Mary has a word of encouragement for anyone who wants to take that step of faith and begin giving.

"Just try it," she says. "You may not have it, but sit back and watch the Lord work. It will amaze you."

God is true to His Word! Mary acted in obedience to God's Word and were amazed by what He did in their lives. He will amaze you, too! Discover God's secret of reciprocity by becoming a CBN partner today. Through your partnership with CBN, you will help feed hungry children here in America and around the world, give practical teaching and biblical answers through The 700 Club broadcast, and bring relief to those with physical and spiritual needs. Join today.

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