The Christian Broadcasting Network

Terry with the Ukrainian orphans
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16 Not So Sweet in Ukraine

By Rich Santoro and Terry Meeuwsen
The 700 Club

CBN.comAt age 16, orphans in the Ukraine lose all governmental support.

Unless educational provisions are made, the teens are forced out of their orphanages -- ill prepared to find a job or provide their own food, clothing and shelter.

Of the thousands of teen girls who “age out” of orphanages in Ukraine, 60 to 70 percent will end up in prostitution. Many don’t realize what they’re being drawn into until it’s too late.

Natasha knows better….

“They put ads in the newspaper looking for girls who can sing and entertain,” she says. “Then they take away your passport, and you are trapped. They can do whatever they want with you.”

Terry Meeuwsen says, “Sex trafficking is the third most profitable business in the world after illegal weapons and drugs.”

CBN and Operation Blessing are stepping in to help rescue these girls before they fall prey to the streets and the sex slave trade.

Right now, near the orphanage where Natasha lives, CBN is looking for a building to convert to a training center to help teens as they age out of their orphanages.

Natasha says, “I know it will be really hard to be alone and to make many decisions. You need to know the world to make those decisions.”

For example, Natasha has never learned to use a stove, never cooked a meal, never written a check or shopped for groceries because the orphanage staff takes care of this.

So, Terry Meeuwsen decided to take Natasha on a little field trip. First they went to the market to buy some food. Then they went to a staff apartment. There Terry helped Natasha cook a meal for the first time ever!

Terry says, “Our CBN training center will teach orphans basic skills for daily living, as well as prepare them to learn how to work in an office or factory.”

Young ladies like Natasha will gain proficiency on the computer and learn to speak English. All of this will improve her ability to get a good job and live independently.

Finally, Natasha is learning the most important lesson of all -- that someone cares enough to help her prepare to face the future.

“We are very grateful that you are helping us,” says Natasha. “Thank you CBN.”

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