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Name of Recipe
Recipe Category
Hands On Time (min)
Total Time (min)
No. of Servings

Enter Ingredients

Put each ingredient on a seperate line. Be sure to include a quantity, unit of measure (e.g., 1 cup of carrots), and name for each ingredient.
Characters Available: 2000/2000

Cooking Instructions

Please be thorough and include everything someone would need to know to make your recipe. You do not need to number your steps, just put each step on a seperate line.
Characters Available: 2000/2000

Memorable Moment

Tell us what makes this recipe special for you. Was there a memorable moment? A special occasion? What makes it the best?
Characters Available: 500/500

Upload an image   (max 1Mb)  (.jpg or .jpeg)

Submit Your Recipe


Share Your Recipe!

It's that time of year when families and friends gather to celebrate Christmas, recall fond memories of years past, and enjoy Grandma's famous sugar cookies.

This Christmas season, share a favorite family recipe with your family. Whether it's Grandma's honey-baked ham, delicious holiday appetizers, or sweet rolls for Christmas morning, send us your recipe and we may post it on's new Christmas page for all to enjoy!

Please Note: All submissions must be original recipes.


Christmas Recipes

