The Christian Broadcasting Network

More from Christianity's Jewish Roots

Reconciling Christians and Jews

By The 700 Club

CBN.comOne New Man

Bill McCartney spent more than a decade as head of the phenomenally successful men's ministry, Promise Keepers. When he attended their pastors' conference in Phoenix, Ariz., in February 2003, he felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit that his time with Promise Keepers was done. He says he spent the nine months from March 12 to December 12, 2003, in the Lord's "waiting room" as he sought confirmation on the next step in his life. He journaled daily and even considered returning to coaching. The Lord told Bill to connect the dots on how He had moved throughout Bill's life as he sought the Lord for his future.

Back in the late '90s, Dr. Henry Blackaby came to minister to the Promise Keepers staff. Dr. Blackaby said he had asked the Lord if there was any specific word for Promise Keepers. Blackaby read all the words of Jesus in the four gospels and was struck by the verse about Simon the Cyrene carrying the cross for Jesus. Dr. Blackaby said God showed him that Bill was to carry the cross of reconciliation. This resonated with Bill as he had been involved for years with racial reconciliation.

Ephesians 2:14-16 says, "For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall by abolishing in His flesh the enmity … that in Himself He might make the two into one new man … and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity."

At the end of the nine month "birthing process," Bill says it was clear that the Lord's calling for him was to work on the One New Man ministry, which was renamed The Road to Jerusalem.

The Road to Jerusalem

Soon after the Apostle Paul spoke to the Ephesians, the Jews were dispersed throughout the world. It has only been in the last few decades that they have returned and Israel has blossomed. Bill says that as the believing gentiles and believing (Messianic) Jews come together as the one new man, there will be the anointing to release the world's greatest revival. While many believing Jews understand this today, the irony is that when Paul spoke of it, the believing Jews didn't want to accept it, and now the believing gentiles don't want to accept it.

Many Evangelicals are strong backers of Israel but keep Messianic Jews at arm's length to maintain good relations with Jewish leaders. The Scripture is clear that we embrace and help the believer first, then help the unbeliever. It is a mandate from the Lord that the Messianic Jew, who has double honor, be embraced, honored, and loved by the Christian who has single honor. Too many Christian organizations help the unbelieving Jew first and neglect the believing Jew. Bill says the Father heart of God is that His chosen people will come to faith in His Son. With the rise of anti-Semitism, today the believing Jew is rejected by both the Jews and the world. Bill contends Messianic Jews are among the most oppressed believers of Jesus.

Holy Shabbat Celebration in the Desert

On Friday, December 3, 2004, Road to Jerusalem will hold its inaugural event at the Renaissance Esmeralda Resort in the Palm Springs, Calif, area. It will be one of the largest shabbat service in the United States as Christians and Messianic Jews stand together as ONE to demonstrate their love for each other, the Jewish community, and Israel. As Christians they will not ignore the past sins against Jewish people in the name of Christianity; rather, they will take responsibility for them and become part of the healing balm. Bill says there will be repentance. He anticipates a mighty move of God, including signs and wonders as promised in Mark 16:20.

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