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Pancake Fridays and Superbook!

Don Moen: “My name is Don Moen, I’m a worship leader, singer, song-writer, producer. I have five kids and now eleven grandchildren and known as ‘Papa’ around here. Four of our five children live ten minutes from our house so now we have all these little grandchildren, they show up at the house on Friday Morning, about 7:30 or 8, for Pancake Friday! And it gets a little more chaotic, but why not keep the tradition going (laugh)!”

When all the kids get together for Pancake Friday, it's amazing to watch these kids, sit and watch Superbook … As a producer I look at the excellence in the quality of production. Pacing is important to me. Superbook holds their interest, there’s enough adventure, enough danger, excitement to keep the kids attention!”

Laura Moen: “I’m Laura Moen, my grandchildren call me ‘Maymay’. I want them to know the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength! It’s so wonderful to actually watch the children watching Superbook that teaches them the stories in the Bible that are relevant, really, relevant for today!”

Don Moen: “People don’t need another production, they don’t need more pageantry, they don’t need more technology, but the only thing that’s going to change a life is the presence of God. And never underestimate the power of a story, of an image, in a little child’s mind and heart!"

Don continues, "As a parent I wanted to speak into my children’s life but now as a grandparent, you have these little young lives and there’s just a window. When it gets crazy around here Laura reminds that – ‘it’s just a window’ – ‘cuz once they get into school, we won’t be having a crazy time over here at Pancake Friday!"

"And I want to share the gospel with them. Or use this Superbook series as wonderful to just trigger stories. The salvation poem – every single episode -- there it is! As a father, as a grandfather to be able to keep it real, keep it simple, stay on message the whole time, they’ll grow up remembering these stories,” says Don.

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Superbook episode characters collage
CBN Animation

Cartoon Pushes Back Against the Darkness

Our world is in serious moral and spiritual crisis and, sadly, children are suffering the consequences. The latest statistics from the U.S. alone are alarming:

  • Barely one-third of young teens (36%) believe that God exists and is the all-knowing, all-powerful Creator of the universe.
  • Nearly half don’t know if there is a God, don’t believe in His existence, or don’t care.
  • Most of the youngest teens (61%) either believe Jesus Christ sinned while He was on earth or hold open the possibility He did. *

Given the U.S. is the main exporter of influence, these trends do not bode well for the rest of the world.

This is critical because it is during these years that a person’s thinking is established. Dr. George Barna, in his latest book Raising Spiritual Champions, states, “A person’s worldview starts developing in the fifteen-month to eighteen-month age range and is largely in place by the age of thirteen. That’s the prime window of opportunity for discipleship.”*

It is no mystery that the type of media most attractive to this age range is animation. Animation transcends cultural boundaries and speaks to a child’s heart in a way no other medium can. It consistently tops the lists of highest-grossing movies and tv shows; media giants spend billions creating animated content. Animation is also highly compatible with the digital landscape children are familiar with. They naturally watch, re-watch, and engage with content through gaming apps, websites, and social media. This is why it is so concerning that the content filling this space is becoming more and more antithetical to Christianity. A space traditionally reserved for kids and families has been turned into a playground of godless indoctrination. We simply cannot afford to abandon this massively influential space and leave it for the enemy.

And what better content to counter this influence than the ultimate source of Truth—the Word of God. This is why, together with generous partners like you, we created the animated Bible series Superbook and integrate it with the latest digital technology: the Superbook Kids Bible App, Superbook Kids Website, and online Superbook Academy discipleship curriculum. The results have been remarkable. Gordon Robertson, CEO of the Christian Broadcasting Network, stated, “The Superbook animated series is the most successful evangelistic tool CBN has created in its more than 60 years of ministry.” And this is why:


  • 2 Billion + YouTube Channel Views
  • 7.8 Million YouTube Channel Subscribers


  • Projected 514 Million Viewers in 143 Countries
  • Projected 364 Million Recalled Having Sung the Salvation Poem


  • 33.8 Million App downloads
  • 10.7 Million Gospel Presentation Views
  • 1 Million + Indicated Salvations

You can celebrate Childhood Evangelism Month and leave a legacy of influence for Christ. With your help we can do so much more, including:

  • Translate Superbook episodes, the website, and Bible app into more languages
  • Increase our ability to put lifesaving content in front of children
  • Improve the app and website experience so we can reach more children
  • Help disciple children around the world

And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?

Romans 10:14

Together we can tell them.


Give to Superbook



*Dr. George Barna; Raising Spiritual Champions

**Brown, Fraser & Associates, a research company founded by Regent University professor Dr. William Brown and by Dr. Benson Fraser, carried out a study of CBN’s international viewership in 2023. To prepare this study, Brown and Fraser surveyed 16,282 persons in 136 cities or regions of 13 countries. Brown and Fraser applied the results from these and prior years’ surveys to project audience sizes and impact of CBN programming.  

700 Club

Hulk Hogan Pins Down Faith

He’s master of the grand entrance whose presence still holds attention! Terry Bollea made the name - Hulk Hogan - present, with unmatched success and global recognition in sports entertainment. A larger than life icon that transcends wrestling. Saving his biggest splash not far from his Clearwater Beach store and restaurant.  

Question: “Public Baptism. You’ve said – ‘the greatest moment in your life?'”

Hulk Hogan: “Yes without a doubt.”

Question: “What did that mean for you?” 

Hulk Hogan: “It broke down that fourth or fifth wall to tell people the truth about my Lord and Savior, how you should look at things or how you should care for people and not judge people. It set me free. I wasn’t that perfect vessel that I should be or should’ve been. Once I was baptized I felt I was all anew. It really was a major pivot in my life.”  

Aaron Filippone (Pastor of Indian Rocks Baptist Church): “So fun to be a part of Terry’s baptism and to see the ripple effect that it has made all over the world. He had people in Japan calling him just a couple minutes later. This is the way that Christians go public in their faith and he felt it important to do what Christians do.”

Question: “Hulk Hogan, what does the person of Jesus Christ, Terry, bring to you?”

Hulk Hogan: “That God presence in us, you know, that still small voice. What Terry brings to the table is a meat suit (laugh) you know, a meat suit filled with the Spirit of Christ and it’s a testing ground for me. I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was 14 but I derailed. It wasn’t my life. He has given me the opportunity to prove that I’m faithful and I’ll never make those same mistakes again. Going back to my faith, the momentum was overwhelming; there was nothing stopping me.”

Question: “What became the most draining to sustain the Hulk Hogan recognition?”

Hulk Hogan: “Well, 35 years of wrestling - still had that bug in me where I liked to see if I was getting approved. After I slammed one guy and looked to the crowd, I guess I made a crazy face. But the look that I gave gave a better ration than the wrestling move and I went – ‘Okay!’ They wanna see me be a little goofy and have fun in here. And that character launched me into this crazy genre where it all intertwined together, you know, the character and the wrestling.”

Question: “Why the demand for your brand?”

Hulk Hogan: “I like that. Why the demand for my brand. I think its generational trust. Because the parents and the grandparents all know who I am. And the kids know who I am. But like in Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, and Malaysia might not know Tom Brady, but they know Hulk Hogan. It’s kind of amazing how many homes I’ve been into around the world on a consistent basis, every weekend for forty-plus years.”

Question: “Hulk Hogan has that Clearwater Beach store and restaurant. How do you manage the brand and Terry, while tending to the expectations of people?”

Hulk Hogan: “Well the moment I come home, the headband comes off the bald head and you know, it's just Terry - Dad, father, husband, friend. I have no wrestling pictures in my house. No wrestling belts. Just Terry. The problem is, the moment I leave the house, the moment I walk out the front door - the world doesn't want Terry. The mailman goes, ‘hey, Hulk.' So instead of saying, ‘good morning, sir,' I go, ‘hey brother, how you doing?' I give him just a little, cuz they expect it, you know? You know there are a lot of tributaries that all parlays off this Hulk Hogan character, which I really appreciate and value very much, so it’s not just a job. But I learned to separate myself.” 

Question: “The difference between being outside the ring and watching as a spectator or getting into the ring, is if defining, 'this is what I am, right?'”

Hulk Hogan: “Yeah, you can relay that on so many levels because it's almost like people you know that say they’re a Christian and they know of, our Lord and Savior but they really don’t know Him. You know, everybody I meet’s a wrestler, talking about wrestling, but there’s a huge difference when you actually get in that ring just like you said. And that’s exactly the perfect way to describe it.”

Question: “Once you knew that things were scripted, a predetermined outcome, was it difficult for you to maintain the competitive side while entertaining?”

Hulk Hogan: “As a businessman, I look at it completely different because a lot of wrestlers look at it and go ‘it’s predetermined, it’s a “work,” I’ll take it easy on you out there. If I were to grab your arm like this and put you in the top wristlock here – that’s a “work.” (“Uncle”) No. No. That’s a “work”! If I go to the outside, that’s a “shoot.” That means you’re actually trying to hurt someone, break bones, submission holds. ‘Oh it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, it’s predetermined.' Well it does! Because if I’m the good guy and my merchandise is selling five times more than you – that’s a shoot to me!”  

Question: “Don’t make me come over there!”

Hulk Hogan: “That’s ok, I’m way past my prime, you’d have an easy day with me. Real easy. Don’t forget it’s predetermined.” 

Question: “Oh yeah, right. But isn’t that a lot like the lives we live? We attempt to write the script to control the outcome. Right, Terry?”

Hulk Hogan: “It’s very funny. This whole thing is a shoebox, brother. And we’re in the shoebox and He’s in control. And it’s gonna happen exactly the way He wants it to happen. And exactly the way it’s supposed to be. And there are no coincidences. None!”

Question: “All of us are in our own ring. Using stage names, characters. How did you take off that mask?”   

Hulk Hogan: “I get sick and tired of myself. The two people in my head, the ego and the real I AM. I just surrendered. I just said I can’t do it anymore, you know. And I went back to the Bible and I started reading again and I’m either all the way in or all the way out with whatever I do. So if you’re with me there’s no guesswork. If I’m with my Lord and Savior I’m all the way in.”

Question: “What message do you now convey at this stage of your life?”  

Hulk Hogan: “It's a spiritual war in, in this fallen world. To turn to the truth, seek Him, and you shall find, to step outside their comfort zone and, you know, accept Christ. Knowing that He would heal the land and heal this nation and heal the people, it just seems like such an easy choice for everyone. If you'll just surrender and accept Him as your savior.”

700 Club

‘Miracle Man’ Has Vision of Heaven

“It was just tough to breathe. I knew that that wasn’t normal and wasn’t right,” explained Thomas Carpenter. It was March 18, 2020, just one week since he had been sent home from the hospital with severe flu-like symptoms. “The doctor on the phone said, ‘I’m calling the ER. I’m telling them that you’re coming, so go now,’” recalled Thomas’s wife Angelia.

By then, the World Health Organization had declared COVID-19 a global pandemic and visitors were no longer allowed in hospitals. After dropping Thomas off, Angelia watched helplessly as he walked into the ER, alone. “And I tried to reassure her, and I’m gonna be fine,” Thomas noted. “You just let them take care of me.”

“I just remember on the way home bawling my little eyes out,” said Angelia. “I just let it out before the Lord. I walked back into the apartment, the Lord said, ‘Angelia, what was the word that I gave you this morning?’ And I was like, 'yeah, Lord, You gave me the word hope.' I remember saying out loud, ‘Lord, You did not give me that word, hope, for my husband to die. And I held onto that.”

Doctors told Thomas his oxygen level was dangerously low and they were admitting him to the critical care unit. Thomas called Angelia, urging her to get people praying. Angelia recalled, “I was on mission to fulfill what he asked me to do and to get everybody praying. I am hanging onto that hope that the Lord had spoke to me.”

“My thoughts were just, Lord, you got this,” Thomas added. The 55-year-old was put in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator. Over the coming weeks as his condition continued to deteriorate, Thomas would be one step away from becoming another COVID-19 statistic. “The doctor would call, and say, 'It’s just touch and go. We’re just gonna have to wait and see,'” said Angelia.

By April, reports of the rapidly growing number of COVID deaths dominated the headlines. Angelia did what she could to be near her husband. “I would drive to the hospital and just sit in the parking lot and look at the building. I would just say, ‘Lord, my husband is somewhere in that building and You’re with him,” she explained. “Our two daughters and their husbands…they left their homes just to come and be with me while Thomas was in a coma. It was kind of like calling the family in because Thomas could pass away.”

Dr. Brent Bergen, a pulmonary critical care physician, explained: “When we were putting people on ventilators or life support, we were having them say goodbye to their family. Back then, very few were coming off the ventilator,” said Dr. Bergen.

As missionaries, the couple knew people all over the world who were now praying. Meanwhile, still in a coma and clinging to life, Thomas says something extraordinary happened. He remembers going to heaven. God was by his side, giving him peace. He saw his son Buck who had died after a car accident when he was just eight years old. “When I saw him, he was laying right there in the crook of my arm,” Thomas stated. “And I looked down there and I saw him grinning so big, and I said, ‘Son, you gotta tell me, what were you feeling?’ He said ‘Dad, what are you feeling now?’ And I said, ‘Man, this is just so much peace.’ And he said, ‘Dad, that’s exactly what I felt, because you’re exactly where I was.’”

He also heard people around the world praying for him. “It sounded like I was in a large football stadium, and somebody just scored a touchdown. It was so loud,” Thomas said. He says, then, one person’s voice rose above the countless others. Thomas explained, “I heard my wife say, ‘Lord, would you heal my wonderful husband, Thomas? I need him.’ And it was right then that I opened my eyes.”

It was late evening, Easter Sunday. Angelia got the call the next day. “I talked to the nurses on that Monday morning, and they said they were just in total, total shock,” she said. In fact, they were calling him “the miracle man.”

“It’s the day after Easter, but it feels like Christmas,” stated Angelia. Thomas added, “It’s an amazing feeling. To know that God is concerned about even the least of us…it is just such a blessing.”

Dr. Bergen believes it was divine intervention that allowed Thomas to beat the odds. “What we do is supportive. We allowed God to take care of him and restore him,” he noted.

After several weeks in rehab, hard work, and prayer, Thomas went home…two months after going into the hospital. He and Angelia are thankful for the healing power of prayer. “He was in a coma for 33 days,” said Angelia. “We actually found out later, after he had been in the coma and everything, that he had a three percent chance of making it. He’s just a walking miracle and we’re so thankful for that.”

Thomas concluded, “For everyone that prayed for me, know that I’m here as a result of your prayers. I wouldn’t be here without your prayers and my wife’s.”

(Please click on the link to purchase Angelia Carpenter's book, "Sweet to Trust, Lessons I've Learned From the Life of My Son.")

CBN’s impact around the world


Daily prayers for people across the country

CBN’s prayer team prayed with over 1.2 million callers in 2022 alone, while also praying with people through email, social media channels, live chat on the website, and written correspondence.

Latin America

Highlighting testimonies of God’s faithfulness

Vida Dura or “Hard Life” stories are sourced throughout Latin America and produced in Spanish to reach a region with testimonies of people who hit rock bottom and turn to God for change. CBN has a prayer center in Latin America to support people through prayer and faith resources.


Serving in the wake of natural disasters

CBN's Operation Blessing was on the ground quickly in the wake of the devastating earthquakes in Turkey, providing much-needed food, relief supplies, and medical aid. After large-scale natural disasters, Operation Blessing strives to be the first to arrive, and the last to leave, tending to the needs long after the news cameras leave.

Ukraine and Poland

For 30 years, CBN has been serving the people of Ukraine

Through CBN’s Orphan’s Promise and Operation Blessing, we were able to quickly provide valuable resources soon after the conflict began, and we continue to support Ukrainian refugees.


Projected 135 million* watched a CBN program in 2022

CBN partners are reaching children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus through Superbook, a Bible-based animation series. In 2022 alone, children in 139 countries watched at least one episode of Superbook.

Bible Reading for the Day

Read or listen to today's Old and New Testament Bible readings. Each day is portioned to give the entire Bible to you in a year. Start anytime. Scroll forward or backward if you miss any days or want to get ahead.

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