The Christian Broadcasting Network

Erick Stakelbeck

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Stakelbeck on Terror



september 21, 2005

The Difference Between Islam and Christianity

I just received the following reaction to yesterday's blog from a reader describing himself as "Muslim-American." Pay particular attention to the last paragraph, which I've boldfaced:

Mr Stakelbeck,
I am a Muslim-American who converted to Islam, and I must say that in part I agree with your comments. There are two dimensions to Islam. A Christian once asked me: "Is Islam a religion of peace or terror?" I said: "That depends on you." -He seemed confused. I continued...

If people can at us (Muslims) with love, respect, and peace, then you will find Islam as being a religion of peace.

However, when invaders come into our countries, bulldoze our houses, rape our economies and resources, as well as our women and children. THEN, my friend, you will find Islam as being a religion of terror.

I think this statement pretty much sums up the difference between Islam--where violent jihad is encouraged against non-believers--and Christianity, where Jesus encourages us to turn the other cheek and love our enemies. As for the line about "invaders, bullldozers, rapes," etc., it's simply outrageous and not even worth adressing. Frankly, it just regurgitates the incendiary, anti-Western rubbish that's found in Al-Qaeda propaganda tapes. What is important--and chilling--is the closing sentence: "THEN, my friend, you will find Islam as being a religion of terror."

If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is an outright threat, and I've noted it accordingly. Notice also how the reader refers to "invaders" coming into "our countries" Our countries? Why, I thought he said he was AMERICAN. Surely loyalty to America comes before loyalty to his Muslim brothers overseas? I would hope so, since he currently lives in America and all.

Unfortunately, this "Islam before country" sentiment is common among a disturbing number of Muslims in Western countries. Take, for instance, a poll conducted shortly after July's London bombings, which found that 46 percent of British Muslims identified themselves as Muslims first and Brits second. This is simply unacceptable--and it helps explain why each new terrorist attack is greeted with silence rather than immediate condemnation by a significant portion of the Muslim world.

EMail Erick Stakelbeck With Your Comments ...


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