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Ann Coulter Curses Jews during Republican Debate


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JERUSALEM, Israel -- Conservative political columnist Anne Coulter surprised some of her followers Wednesday night with her tweets, one in particular, during the Republican debate.

Her Twitter posts came near the end of 3-hour debate when four of the 11 candidates -- former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and N.J. Gov. Chris Christie -- reiterated their support for Israel during their wrap-ups. Cruz said one of his first decisions if elected would be to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

"Good grief! Huckabee is running for PM of Israel," Coulter tweeted, followed by "Rubio running to be curator of the Reagan Museum" and "Cruz, Huckabee, Rubio all mentioned ISRAEL in their response to "What will America look like after you are president?"

Some say she crossed the line big time with the next tweet:  "How many f***ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?"

Then she added, "Maybe it's to suck up to the Evangelicals" and her own wrap-up:

"How to get applause from GOP donors: 1) Pledge to start a war 2) Talk about job creators 3) Denounce abortion 4) Cite Regan 5) Cite Israel."

If the responses from some of her 663,000 followers are any indication, she didn't enhance her status with what many called anti-Semitic slurs.

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