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'Merry Christmas' Allowed in Texas Schools


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Texas schools now have a legal right to acknowledge Christmas, Hannukah, and other religious holidays, thanks to the "Merry Christmas" law that Gov. Rick Perry signed last year.
The legislation allows people to say specific holiday greetings like "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Hanukkah" on campus.
It also clears the way for religious symbols, like nativity scenes and Christmas trees to be displayed on school property.

"That allows parents, teachers, students and school administrators to celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah in public schools without fear of censorship, litigation or persecution," Republican Rep. Dwayne Bohac, who helped write the law, said.

Bohac's young son recalls when those things were not allowed.
Texas leaders are quick to point out that no one is required or forced to participate in the acknowledgements.

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