The Christian Broadcasting Network

International Outreach

My Dying Daughter

By Helen Wang & Zsa Zsa Palagyi
The 700 Club

Partner With CBN

There are people in this world who are crying out to God for help this very minute. You can end hunger and thirst, bring medical and disaster supplies, provide jobs, and give hope to millions of hurting people. When you join, you help preach the Gospel in 147 countries and territories and 65 languages around the world. Do something that will last for eternity.

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Freedom from Financial Fear

Escaping the Paycheck to Paycheck Life

You Can Love Your Work — Ya Shun was born with not just one, but two holes in her heart. The Yu’s were devastated until a doctor said if they took good care of their daughter, the holes would heal naturally—and their baby would be fine.

Mrs. Yu remembers, “The doctor said it was important that my baby did not catch a cold. So I didn’t let her go outside, and I held her when she slept because I was afraid she’d knock her covers off and freeze.

Mr.Yu adds, “We were very careful about everything!”

But Ya Shun still got sick. And with harsh winter weather, the baby’s cold quickly turned into pneumonia.

“Yah Shun’s face was red, her skin was burning hot, and she could hardly breathe,” says Mrs. Yu. “I still hoped that somehow the holes would close up, but when I took her to the hospital, the doctor said the holes were bigger than ever!”

Mr. Yu confesses, “We thought it was all our fault!”

Ya Shun needed immediate surgery to save her life. But Mr. Yu works at a mechanics shop and only makes 57 dollars a week. “With such little income,” he says “I couldn’t afford surgery, and by the time I saved up, it would probably be too late. It was really hard to think about our future without Ya Shun.”

Mrs. Yu cried out to a doctor in desperation. He told her about CBN, and we arranged for surgery for Ya Shun. “I was so excited,” she remembers. “I said, ‘Ya Shun, you are going to live because warm hearted people are going to help you!’”

A doctor closed up the two holes in Ya Shun’s heart, and today she’s doing great! “Ya Shun is growing very fast now, and she is happy every day,” says Mr. Yu. “What a gift! I hope she will want to help others when she gets older, just like you helped her!”

Mrs. Yu concludes, “Thank you so much CBN. You rescued my daughter out of the shadow of death and put her into the sunshine. Now she has the kind of life we always dreamed of. Thank you for making my little girl smile!”

CBN partners are making a difference in the lives of hurting people throughout the world. If you are not a partner, please join today. Your gifts make it possible to provide help to those in desperate need, bring medical services to the sick, help feed and clothe children here at home and overseas, and broadcast a message of hope around the world. Become a CBN partner today!

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