The Christian Broadcasting Network

International Outreach

"I'd Sacrifice Everything to Save My Son..."

By Zsa Zsa Palagyi
The 700 Club

Partner With CBN

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You Can Love Your Work —Some days, Mrs. Wang cleared brush on a mountain from sunrise to sunset and then stayed overnight to get an even earlier start the next morning. Other days she stayed home with her kids, and her husband worked on the mountain.  They were trying to raise extra money for surgery for their baby Jifu.  He was born with a severe cleft lip and palate.

“He couldn’t eat well because he choked easily,” Mrs. Wang remembers.  “My heart broke just looking at him and I worried that without surgery, he would never be able to talk.  He would have no job.”

“I was afraid his cleft lip was going to get bigger and bigger.  I had nightmares that he would be mute, and his future would be doomed,” admits Mr. Wang.  “I often wondered what kind of father I was that I couldn’t provide for my son.”

Jifu’s sister Lu Hong shares, “People said my little brother looked like a monster. When they laughed at him, I said, ‘Don’t laugh at my brother.’ It made me so upset because I love him very much.”

Mrs. Wang adds, “Some people said my baby deserved this.  I kept my head up around them, but when I got alone in the mountains, I could not stop crying.  I would sacrifice everything to help my son, but I had noone to turn to.”

As hard as they worked, the Wangs were never able to save enough money for surgery.  Then, someone told them about a cleft lip clinic that CBN was co-sponsoring.  

“When I heard the good news,”  Mr. Wang says, “I laughed for the first time in a long time. Jifu would be saved.”

His cleft lip and palate surgery transformed his face.

“His lip is cured,” Mr. Wang proclaims with joy.  “And today people tell me how handsome he is.” 

Mrs. Wang adds, “Now Jifu will have a wonderful life.  He eats a lot and is growing strong.  Every time I hold him, I tell him ‘Baby, you are so blessed.’”

Jifu’s sister concludes, “Thank you to everyone at CBN for helping my brother!  When I grow up, I want to be just like you – kind and generous!”

CBN partners are making a difference in the lives of hurting people throughout the world. If you are not a partner, please join today. Your gifts make it possible to provide a tangible future to those in desperate need, bring medical services to the sick, help feed and clothe children here at home and overseas, and broadcast a message of hope around the world. Become a CBN partner today!

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