The Christian Broadcasting Network

A Love Greater Than Fear

By George Thomas
CBN News Sr. Reporter

CBN.comKUWAIT CITY The rebuilding effort in Iraq continues as dozens of humanitarian groups pour into the country. CBNs Operation Blessing has joined the effort, bringing urgently needed medical care. Their outreach has kicked into high gear with the arrival of several American doctors and other medical personnel.

Tired and exhausted, they arrived Tuesday night at Kuwait's International Airport on a mission to help the people of Iraq. Registered nurse Anne Pennoyer said, "We wanted to come because there is a need here, and the people need us now and there were not any second thoughts to it."

These nine Americans have left the comforts and security of home, headed for the city of Basra in Southern Iraq.

Dr. Michael Thomson, a general practitioner, said, "I'm nervous, I'm excited, I'm not scared, I am full of faith, man, because the Lord dumped the gift of faith on me and my wife to come here."

Dentist Robert Kustra said, "Somebody has to do it because we know it's a Third World country, or worse. Somebody called it a fourth world country. What we hear and see on television is a lot of need for whatever help can be done, and we are here to provide as much as we can."

And their help will be critical, especially in Iraq's rapidly deteriorating public health system. The team will spend most of their time at Basra's women and children's hospital a hospital where even the most basic medical supplies are almost non-existent.

Combat operations in Iraq may be over, but Dr. Thomson knows there are many other dangers lurking. "There are some outbreaks of cholera, typhoid and that sort of thing that we may be able to help. I have some specific drugs for that," he said.

Other medicines and dental equipment are being flown in from India, Singapore, and the U.S.

For some on the team, it is more than just about meeting the physical need.

Retired Neurologist Bert Park said, "Christ has given me a light to reflect and I can reflect that through the work I do."

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