The Christian Broadcasting Network
Xiao Lan

China’s Heart of Love It didn't take long for us to fall in love with 11-year-old Xiao Lan of China's Gansu Province. From the smile on her beautiful face, all the world knows that something wonderful has happened to her, thanks to gifts from people like you.

Eleven year old Xiao Lan loves to laugh and play with her friends at school. Xiao Lan lives here in a small village on top of the mountains of northwest China. Everyday after finishing her chores, she walks more than one hour — each way — to school.

"I like to go to school very much," Xiao Lan explains.

But until a couple of years ago, school wasn't even an option for this bright young girl. Xiao Lan's father deserted the family about 6 years ago, leaving them with a roof over their heads and not much more. The situation for Xiao Lan, her sister, and mother grew perilous.

"We didn't have any food to eat," Xiao Lan remembers, "so we had to borrow from outside. That was a hard time for me. I was always crying. I was afraid I would not be able to study in school.

"I know I have a smart daughter," says Xiao Lan's mother. "I am proud of her. Since she wants to go to school, I am encouraging her. But we needed money for our daughter's education."

To say that Xiao Lan is a hard worker is an understatement. In spring, she goes to the fields, which are cut from the mountainside, to prepare to plant the crops.

By the way, it's all done by hand! In this, the poorest province in China, farmers eat only what they grow. There is no other income for the family.

But Xiao Lan's mother wants more for her daughters. So when she heard that CBN had built the "Heart of Love" elementary school, she wondered if there was a place there for Xiao Lan.

Now, thanks to you, CBN is helping this bright young student to fulfill her dream.

"I want to become a teacher in this school in the future," Xiao Lan says with a smile. "I'd like for all the girls in the village to go to school like I do."

When Operation Blessing learned that everyone in the village was forced to collect and carry water from up to an hour walk away, in your name, they dug more than 400 cisterns for the village, including one for Xiao Lan and her family.

"Thank you CBN," Xiao Lan's mother declares. "Thank you for paying for my daughter's tuition and for providing funds for the cistern for my family."

But the blessings didn't stop there! When CBN's cameras came to visit the family, we learned of Xiao Lan's long walks to school and of the family's ongoing struggle with hunger. So in your name, Operation Blessing did two more things for this special family. First, they gave Xiao Lan's mom a gift of flour, enough to last for an entire year!

And, for the bright young student with a beautiful smile, in your name, we gave her the surprise of her life, a brand new bicycle to ride to school!

"I am so happy," Xiao Lan exclaims. "I never dreamed that I would ever have bike. My Mom has no money to buy a bike for me. I will study hard at school. Thank you CBN."

Outreaches like this are made possible only with your help. Thanks to you, people like Xiao Lan and her family have seen the love of Jesus in action. And it doesn't stop there. Your faithful gifts are helping to feed and clothe children here and abroad, are providing medical care to those in desperate need, and are helping share the tangible love of Jesus to people all around the world. If you are not a partner with CBN, please join now.

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