The Christian Broadcasting Network

Anna Maria

Restoring Hope in Guatemala Anna Maria has 11 children, and she loves them all! As you can imagine, Anna Maria is a busy mother, constantly trying to find something for her children to eat. As we arrived at her home, our CBN camera crew just happened to catch Anna Maria cooking. What was on the menu? Two rats! This was all she had to feed her family.

"I cry a lot," says Anna Maria. "They ask for things that children need--like clothes--and I can't get it for them!"

Keeping her family fed is only one of the challenges facing Anna Maria. Keeping the children well is another. If one gets sick, then the rest follow, and medicine is a luxury. Anna Maria 's husband died a few months ago and he was the family's sole breadwinner. Once they were simply poor, and now things are much worse.

"It's really sad to think about my husband, and to think about my children," says Anna Maria. "And I think about the next morning when I wake up, how am I going to take care of them today?"

But in Guatemala, Operation Blessing is reaching families like Anna Maria's. Their free medical clinic provides free checkups and free medicine and food, which is helping families to survive.

"I went to the clinic and received cough medicine and medicine for fevers for the children," says Anna Maria.

Because of the generosity of CBN partners, this day brought even more hope to Anna Maria and the kids. Operation Blessing provided armfuls of corn meal, flour, rice, and other staples. Tonight the children will celebrate with a great meal including their favorite dish, corn tortillas. And there was one more thing. Because many of the children sleep on a dirt floor, Operation Blessing brought them a brand new mattress. Anna Maria 's children were so happy that they were jumping for joy!

And this is just one of many families you are helping in Guatemala when you pledge your support to CBN. To all of our CBN partners Anna Maria and her children say "Gracias."

For as little as 65 cents a day, $20 a month, you can partner with a ministry that is making a difference in people's lives everyday. Providing food to families like Anna Maria's is just one of the many outreaches CBN is committed to. Please join with us today and help bring life and hope to people around the world. Join today!

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