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Apinya's Plight

By Ken Hulme and Ma. Celeste Endriga
The 700 Club

CBN.comApinya of Thailand had been opening shellfish for years. Her hands are bruised, and her fingers are wrinkled. For her efforts, she made about one dollar for eight hours of hard labor.

Apinya says, “It is the only job that I know. I have four children to support.”

Life has been difficult for this single mom. In the past, she was able to rent her neighbor’s motorcycle in order to buy and sell seafood. Unfortunately, the rent for the motorbike used up most of her profits, and she was forced to stop doing business.

When Operation Blessing heard of Apinya’s plight, they asked her how they could help. She told them she had once been a businesswoman, selling fresh fish.

Operation Blessing knew just how to help. First, they bought a motorcycle with a sidecar. Then they gave Apinya enough money to restart her small business selling fish.

Today, Apinya has turned her bike into a mobile store and is able to sell fresh seafood all over town. She now earns more than five times as much as she once made shucking oysters and clams.

“With my new bike, I am able to have my own business,” Apinya says. “Thank you, Operation Blessing, for a new life.”

Your compassion has made a difference in the life of Apinya. When you partner with us, you touch lives all around the globe with a message of hope and a tangible expression of God’s love – bringing food, water, clothing, medical care, and so much more, to those in desperate need. Please join with us today.

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