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Eliza: A Clean Bill of Health

By Terry Meeuwsen with Ken Hulme
The 700 Club

CBN.comFrom the moment I first laid eyes on five-year-old Eliza, I was struck by her innocence and beauty. We started our visit with presents, but it wasn’t long before I learned of Eliza’s amazing journey.

Two years earlier, her mother Elena discovered a lump on her daughter’s side. The lump turned out to be cancer. When doctor’s finally operated, they removed Eliza’s kidney and found that the cancer had spread. With no money left for additional surgeries or medicine, doctors sent Eliza home to die.

Eliza’s grandmother says, “They told us she would only survive for an hour or two. Maximum one day.”

Here in Ukraine, every hospital expense needs to be paid for up front with cash — every doctor, every procedure, every pill. That’s why Operation Blessing stepped in to help this little family by paying for all of Eliza’s medical expenses.

In fact, Operation Blessing paid for a year’s supply of chemotherapy medicine, along with prescriptions, vitamins and hospital visits. That gift of kindness really surprised the family.

“Thank God! I didn’t even think people like this existed,” her grandmother says. “In the village where we live, no one helped us. Thank God that people like you came to help us.”

Though her journey has been a tough one, Eliza is cancer free today. She’s brightening the lives of everyone she meets. So before we left, I wanted to give this little angel one more surprise from Operation Blessing --something she’s always wanted but that her mom could not afford… a new baby doll and stroller.

“It was as if God himself helped us,” the grandmother says. “It was like a resurrection for our little child. She came back to life, and it was because you guys helped."

Eliza’s mother Elena says, “I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart, because they have done a very good thing for us. I would ask people to continue to help folks like us who don’t have the money to provide medical care for their sick children."

Her grandmother continues, “I can’t even describe it with words, because I knew it was all coming from God, I knew it was the Lord who was helping us through the hands of people like you.”

Your compassion has made a difference in the life of Eliza and her family. If you are not a partner, please join with us today. You will touch lives all around the globe with a message of hope and a tangible expression of God’s love – bringing food, water, clothing, medical care, and so much more, to those in desperate need. Please join with us today.

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