The Christian Broadcasting Network

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Spared by Springs of Living Water

By Matt Vilkas
The 700 Club “Most children my age go to school in the morning. But for me, everyday I fetched pots of water from a stream that was far away.”

Sumalatha and her mother had to walk over two miles, several times a day, just to get enough drinking water for their family. But as if that wasn’t hard enough, the water they fetched didn’t come from a well.

“We used to dig a hole, take the water, and filter it. It would take at least 20 minutes to fill one pot. By the time we were done, it was afternoon. I became very tired, and many days I could not go to school,” recalled Sumalatha

Sumalatha’s poor attendance at school caused her to get bad grades. It looked like she would have to drop out if things didn’t change soon. But then a local pastor contacted CBN ’s Living Waters team.

"CBN's Living Waters team came, surveyed the place, and drilled a well. The well had plenty of drinking water!  I thank you for your help," said the pastor.

Today, with a well right near her home, Sumalatha is able to get water for her family and make it to school on time.

"I am very happy. I can now go to my classes every day. I will study hard so i can make my dreams come true.  Thank you Operation Blessing for helping me and my village."

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