The Christian Broadcasting Network


$55,000 in Credit Card Debt—What It Takes to Get Free

By Tim Smith
The 700 Club

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Freedom from Financial Fear

Escaping the Paycheck to Paycheck Life

You Can Love Your Work - William and Sandra Pillows both love to fish.

“It’s so relaxing. It’s one of my favorite things to do in my spare time,” says Sandra.”And sometimes you might get a bite right away, you get a return real quick, but other times you have to wait. You have to be patient. And I equate that with tithing because we throw the bait, we let it sit there, and we wait.”
There was a time when Sandra and William had no patience, or desire, to give. Most of their income went to things they didn’t really need. And they put everything on credit cards. Soon they were in over their heads.

“We don’t ever think about it,” says William. “You go out to eat – charge, charge, charge. Interest and everything else. So with all the credit cards, and the cars, and all these things…”

“…it added up to a little over $55,000,” says Sandra.

“We needed a miracle,” adds William.

About that time, William had something else going on in his life.

That was the timeframe that the Lord brought me back unto Him. And when He brought me back, there was an urgency in my heart, to do what was right, according to His Word, and tithing is in His Word.”

“We had to realize that putting God first in everything was the key to our success,” adds Sandra.

They say you can’t beat God’s giving, so I really wanted to put this to the test. It was a process that I was willing to stake all that we have on, because it was going to be all God or nothing,” says William.

William got that chance in 2007 when Sandra lost her job. After prayer and consideration, they felt like God led Sandra to go into early retirement. Even though they would have one income, they trusted God and continued tithing and giving. A year later, William applied for a job installing power plants.

“They offered me a position in this new job, which was doubling my salary I already had, which was far more than we could ever ask or think,” says William.

In less than three years, they paid off all of their credit card debt.

“Once the final payoff was made, it was like a burden was lifted off of our shoulders,” says Sandra. “It was easier to breathe. We praise the Lord for it.”

The couple says to receive God’s blessings we have to have patience and a desire to give.

“God wants to give you more, but He has to teach us to release what we have, to receive more,” says William.

When I started seeing the heavens open up, and the blessings start coming forth, it’s like, ‘Take the Lord at His Word. Go for it. Trust Him,’ says Sandra. “And tithing is just like fishing. When you are patient, you will get a catch.”

Being obedient to God's truth made an incredible difference for William and Sandra. They made themselves available for God's love to flow through them to others, and they are reaping a blessing themselves as well. Join them in partnering with CBN. You will make a difference in lives around the world, through medical missions, food and clothing programs, humanitarian outreaches and so much—all in the name of Jesus. Please join today.

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