The Christian Broadcasting Network

Jeff and Kammy Girgich

A Wedding Gift for Life

CBN.comAsk any woman and she’ll tell you that her wedding day is the biggest day of her life. Kammy Girgich was no exception. The flowers, the outdoor setting, everything had to be perfect. Oh, and did we mention she was in love?

Says Kammy with a laugh, "The day that I met Jeff, I started dreaming about my wedding day because I wanted to marry him and I knew that he was the right one."

When Jeff and Kammy got married last August, both were in their '30s and both were established with plenty of "stuff." So when family and friends pressured them to register at local department stores for wedding gifts, the Girgichs decided to do something a little radical. Already 700 Club members, they decided to think globally. In lieu of wedding gifts, Jeff and Kammy decided to ask people to give money so that CBN could dig a well in Cambodia.

"We had talked about not taking any gifts because we already have everything, and we definitely didn’t need another toaster," Jeff explains.

"I just really felt like God had put it in our hearts to do something for other people rather than for ourselves," adds Kammy. "The reason why I think we decided on the water is because it’s the basic necessity of life."

All together, their friends and family gave more than $600 for the cause! When Jeff and Kammy added another $400 out of their own pockets, they had enough to help hundreds of people.

"The lady from Cambodia was just so excited about her kids being able to have clean water. That actually made us cry," says Kammy.

And for their kindness to others, God seems to be blessing the Girgichs in a special way.

"We really were looking forward to having a child after we got married, and our baby is due exactly nine months and one day from the day we got married, so we really feel like God blessed us with that," says Kammy. "The more that we give, the more that we receive back. I think it’s really important that you’re always doing things for other people and giving back into the kingdom, for God."

If you are a CBN Partner, thank you for bringing clean, fresh drinking water to this Cambodian village. If you are not a partner, please join with us today. You will reach people all around the world with the tangible love of Jesus through well projects like this one, medical missions, feeding programs, and so much more.

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