Christian Broadcasting Network

The greatest blessing of Thanksgiving is remembering what God has done for us.

A special message from Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson Photo

Give thanks for your many blessings.

Give a special gift to someone in need.

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time of year. The greatest blessing of Thanksgiving is that it causes us to focus on all that God has done for us. Psalm 96:2-4 (AMP) tells us:

Proclaim good news of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works and wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the LORD and greatly to be praised…                         

Perhaps today, you don’t feel much like a proclaimer of good news. Your situation may seem hopeless and out of control. Let me remind you of this truth:

You are deeply loved by God, and He will never forget you or fail to help you. Difficult seasons come to all of God’s children. The Bible tells us that even Jesus learned obedience through suffering. You are not alone, and the God of heaven and earth is on your side. His power is limitless and His compassion cannot be exhausted. You are safe in His hands.

I urge you to bring Him an offering of praise today. Thank Him that through the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary, you are saved eternally and stand before Him in Christ—perfect in His sight. Praise Him for His promise that all things are working out for your good, and that He will never leave you or forsake you.

You will see your burden lifted as you praise the Lord and thank Him for all that you are facing.

This Thanksgiving, many hardworking people in our own nation are experiencing the fear and helplessness of having little or no food. Many don’t know how they’ll face their children, when all they have are empty cupboards and plates. It is at these critical moments that you come with food and compassion to help people who desperately need someone to care.

Today, I am asking you to join me in our family tradition of giving a special gift that is equal to the amount you will spend on your Thanksgiving dinner. This will go far in helping people here at home and around the globe who are crying out to God.

Please prayerfully consider giving a Thanksgiving gift, which will help broadcast the Gospel, provide food, bring medical and disaster supplies to children, widows, and families through the various outreaches of CBN.

As we give, our own joy is increased. Helping others is an offering that brings glory to God, and He will never forget all that you have done in His name.

This is my Thanksgiving prayer for you: May you experience great love and encouragement from God, and may He lift your burdens and quickly answer your prayers. I pray that this Thanksgiving and the year ahead will be full of His peace and joy in your life, and in the lives of those you love. God bless you always!

Yours in Christ,
Pat Robertson

Give a Special Holiday Gift This Thanksgiving

Your Thanksgiving gift can make all the difference to children and families who are desperate this season. Without you, their cries for help go unanswered. Thank you for caring.

Gifts for you at

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