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Repackaging of Old Paganism in America

By Dr. Herbert Eze
Assist News Service PASADENA, CA (ANS) -- In America, commercial trends in Halloween show a new repackaging of old paganism. The huge display of Halloween paraphernalia in malls, offices, parks, and public schools in America and the extensive Internet activities on paganism testify to a great revival of pagan tradition in the U.S. The Halloween celebration has tremendous influence upon the socio-economic and political life in America.

Modernization has spawned new forms of paganism. There are presently about 970,000 Internet sites on paganism and 50,000 on Halloween. It has been observed that the next generation of children in America will be inclined to the occult due to the current proselytizing of children into occultism through the Internet and the Harry Potter series on witchcraft in American schools. These are major doorways for trapping children into Satanism. The trend towards globalization, where commercial activities lead the way with speed through the Internet, indicates that the repackaged paganism has been globalized.

Understanding Halloween

Halloween is the modern name for Samhain or Sauin, an ancient Celtic holy day. The feast is seasonal and marks the end of summer and the beginning of winter. It is considered "a very magical time, when the dead walk among the living and the veils between the past, present, and future may be lifted in prophecy and divination." (Isaac Bonewits 1997, 2002:3).

The feast of Halloween is celebrated by many Neo-pagans, especially the Wiccans, Druids, and Celtic Reconstructionists. Isaac Bonewits, a leading Neo-pagan explained that "Halloween is a time to deepen connection with the cycles of the seasons, to the generation that have come before us, and those that will follow, and to the gods and goddesses we worship (www.neopagan.net1997, 2002:12).

The evening of October 31st marks the beginning of the Halloween event as the veil between the material and the spiritual world becomes lifted for mutual traffic between the living and the dead. Activities during the occasion include divination to gain spiritual insight about the past and the future. Bonewits regrets that bored kids in a violent saturated culture like America have caused Halloween activities to degenerate from "harmless 'decoration' of houses with shaving creams and toilet paper to serious vandalism and assaults" (2002:8).

Sacred Festival Among Cultures

The "hallowed evening," as it is called, is characterized by devotion to nature, to humanity, (past, present and future), and to the "gods." It has some similarities with the ancestor veneration and devotion to deities that were common practice in African traditional religion of the past before the coming of Christianity and Islam. This is still in practice in some places in Africa. Pagan festivities are seasonal, whether in Europe, America, or Africa. The occasions are sacred and always connected with the veneration of ancestors or spirits and worship of divinities. There are special days to celebrate each festival.

Chinua Achebe writes about the sacred week observed before the planting of crops in pre-colonial /early colonial times, among the Igbos in Africa. It was observed as a week of peace ordained by the Igbo forefathers in Umuofia. By rule, no one would say a harsh word to their neighbor during the occasion in order to honor the great goddess of the earth, without whose blessing their crops would not grow. No one was allowed to work during the “Week of Peace.” People visited their neighbors to feast and to drink palm wine. Violation of the “Week of Peace” would lead to a heavy fine (Chinua Achebe 1958:26).

Spirits and Mortals in Mutual Traffic

The new yam festival in Igbo land is a seasonal feast which begins the harvest of yams, a major food crop in Africa. Just as the festivity before the planting of crops is devoted to the earth goddess, the harvest festival also honors the earth goddess and the ancestral spirits of the clan (Achebe 1958:31). The occasion is characterized by great merriment of eating and drinking in which only the newly harvested yam is the major food for the day.

Masquerades, that symbolize the spirit of the ancestors, appear to grace the occasion and are treated with great respect and awe. Women and children are forbidden from watching them and would not dare to do so with the severe consequence of whipping. Sacrifices of animal blood are made to the gods on sacred altars in families, clans, and villages. Food and oil are offered to ancestors, including kola nuts. Wine is poured out to them on the ground with reverence, and prayers are offered in thanksgiving and for more blessings and protection.

In some places in Igboland, appearances of masquerades during a sacred festival may include the testing of spiritual power. Knowledge of such activities and their consequences are restricted to male adults who are initiated in the masquerade cult as part of growing up as males. This may be similar to such aspects of the Halloween celebration that look violent and deplorable, especially to the outsider.

The Samhain (Halloween) festival in Euro-America and the New Yam Harvest Festival among the Igbos in Nigeria are both seasonal feasts. The dead walk among the living and such times are magical. Masquerades in the Igbo festival may go to people's homes where the adult initiated males are the only ones qualified to come out and meet them with greetings and gifts of money in reverence. Usually they are covered with masks, and mythologically they are treated as spirits and never related to as humans -- for that would be very offensive and lead to a serious fine.

The presence of ancestral spirits in form of masquerades during an Igbo sacred festival can lead to absence of order. Disorder caused by their activities are not questioned, except perhaps within the circle of the initiated if a case is very serious and violates the rule of ancestral spirits. The no order period also characterize the Samhain festivity among the Paleopagan and Mesopagan Druids in England. Time was said to be abolished for the three days of the Samhain festival (Bonewits 2002:3).

People did crazy things. Men dressed as women and women as men. Farmers' gates were pulled out and left in ditches and people's horses were moved to different fields. Children would knock on doors for food and treats (Bonewits2000:3). The description here is quite characteristic of the form similar festivals take in Africa, though it may not be exact. However, there are changes along the years due to the influence of Christianity in both cultures.

Effect of Christianity on Samhain Festival

A pagan critique of the Church's influence on Samhain may be helpful in an objective assessment of how the pagan festival has been affected by the gospel. Bonewits writes that "the Christian Church was unable to get people to stop celebrating this holiday, so they simply sprinkled a little holy water on it and gave it a new name as they did with other Paleopagan sacred holidays and customs which have Paleopagan elements associated with their dating/or symbols," -- such as "Valentine's Day/Lupercalia, Easter/Eostre, and Christmas/Yule." (2002:4).

Samhain Day (now Halloween), which was associated originally with the gods and goddesses of the Celts, has been co-opted by the Church as All Saints Day (November 1) followed the next day (November 2) by All Souls Day which was originally the day for the worship of ancestors. Polytheism and ancestor worship was common practice in Europe just as it was in Africa. Most of the great cathedrals of Europe were built on top of earlier shrines and sacred grooves (Bonewits 2002:4). Early Christian missionaries to Africa did the same and in some places went to the extent of clearing bad bushes which were unsacred sites and abode of the wicked and evil spirits, to erect churches.

Are Public Schools in America Secular or Pagan?

The Neo-pagan Bonewits does not argue that Halloween festivity today is not pagan. He agrees with those who accuse Halloween to be pagan, declaring with certainty that they are right. He does not mince words in saying that the presence of Halloween in American schools is paganism in operation and control. "When Fundamentalists come to your local school board and try to get Halloween removed because 'it's a pagan holiday,' they are perfectly correct," says Bonewits.

The above response from a neo-paganist confirms that Halloween is pagan and poses a challenge like, what can you do about it, including the extremities of vandalism, blood, sorcery, witchcraft and exploiting commercial activities that go with the festivity? There is no time in America that I experienced spiritual oppression as during the Halloween festivity. Activities of demons, spirits and witches are usually intense at that period. Some churches organize serious warfare prayers to combat their experience of wicked forces during Halloween. This confirms the reality of evil presence connected with the festival.

Commercial gains from the proceeds of Halloween paraphernalia by those malls who use their money to support educational and political programs, and other causes which favor their Halloween/witchcraft trade activities, have strengthened the revival of paganism in America The unholy marriage of some churches with the gods and goddesses of paganism has perpetuated paganism in such churches, clothing it, unfortunately, with the toga of Christianity whereby the undiscerning are ensnared.

Harry Potter and The Spread of Witchcraft

The Harry Potter series projects a worldview that promotes witchcraft. The novel is a big seller and a great machine for propagating a worldview that is anti-Christian. Harry Potter's parents were said to be killed by a witch, Voldemort, in a Halloween night, and Harry who was with them escaped with a lightening- bolt scar on his forehead. Horror tales such as this are sometimes part of such festivals in Africa that are connected with masquerades/black magic and charm testing in order to prove spiritual power. The sources of such horrors/deaths are usually known by the leading members of the masquerade cult.

What way of life does the author of Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling, intend to teach children by creating a wizard out of Harry Potter and making him the hero of her story through the study of witchcraft and magic for revenge. The worldview of the novel is diametrically opposed to the Bible, both in studying to become a witch and in the seeking of revenge. The consequences of kids reading the novel are becoming evident in the kind of reviews they write after reading it. However, I encourage that you read the Harry Potter series yourself rather than base your judgment on other people’s reviews, some of which may be exaggerated or ill motivated. A novel that projects a worldview which encourages revenge, and in addition presents the art of witchcraft as a way to it, is unacceptable to me in light of my Christian faith.

Lessons For The Church

When the Church discriminates against people, it may create witches without knowing it, and those who are witches already will only be hardened to propagate witchcraft more than ever. Unfortunately, when they do so, their message usually gains more attention and support from the world than what discriminating church folks have to say.

In the horrible circumstance that Harry Potter found himself in the home of his close relatives, it was better news for him that he came in company of those who loved him and cared for him even though they were witches. Perhaps if a church family showed him equal or greater love than the witches did, he would not have joined a witchcraft school. The question is how much does the church love these readers who have gone after the witch, Harry Potter? What excitement can we create for our youth and the world in writing novels that will not be anti-Christian in worldview, but rather present a witness wisely for the Lord?

Learning From Shakespeare

Didn't Shakespeare write a wonderful series of plays and sonnets which both Christians and the world were attracted to for centuries? Doesn't God have people today who can paraphrase and contextualize Shakespeare for today's readers, or write a similar series for our time? The other factor is funding. He who pays the piper, as it is said, calls for the tune. J.K Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, was a struggling single mother when she began Book One of the series. It remained on scraps of papers until she received an unprecedented award from the Scottish Arts Council enabling her to finish the first book.

Are you surprised that the source of Harry Potter's funding will support publishing the novel with the growing influence of paganism and spiritism in Europe? Whether in Africa, Europe, or elsewhere, paganism and witchcraft, old or repackaged, have the same source of origin. There is no light in them says the Prophet Isaiah, and the test for their proof is God's Word (Isaiah 8:20). Seducing spirits in operation may appear familiar, like the Holy Spirit, in order to sell, especially in our time. It takes careful discernment to identify certain demonic activities. It also takes engaging devils in constant battle with the Scriptures, as Jesus did, to mature in discernment of their tactics because Satan himself is said to disguise as an angel of Light.

An Attack on Biblical Worldview

The Harry Potter series has been customized and made child-friendly so that in this new repackaging of witchcraft in a fictitious novel people hardly discern the error involved. The attack is on the biblical worldview, and the death pill is taken by readers who are unaware as they read, especially the children. The Scripture says that we should not regard familiar spirits or seek after wizards to be defiled by them, but to seek the Lord, our God (Lev. 19:31). It is also among the signs of the last days that many will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons (I Tim. 4:1).

Across cultures, and at different times, Satan has remained the source of sorcery and witchcraft, whose practices take new forms today. The heavily commercialized Halloween festivities for reviving and spreading paganism and the stunning popularity of the Harry Potter series with its impact, particularly, in the American public schools are very effective strategies of the occult in disseminating and globalizing the newly repackaged doctrine of the old religion of the devil.

To win this current battle, the Church needs to submit to God and actively resist the devil. No effort in faith should be underrated or delayed. God may choose to use the sling stone of one that is obscure or naive to eliminate this Goliath of a monster that is challenging the people of God and threatening to mislead an entire generation of people and kids in particular.

The Global Effect of American Paganism

Witchcraft and occultism have gained official acceptance in American school curriculum and public life, while the Bible and prayer to God are unacceptable. This has a worldwide effect due to the impact of the United States in the world economy and politics. The more Satanism gains strength in higher and strategic places in America, through the new repackaging process of witchcraft and occultism, the more the world is misled. You may guess the extent of the satanic activities in the power struggle of which party or person(s) get the control of America to influence world decisions in the forthcoming USA presidential election.

I remember visiting a believing family and discovered that they had dabbled into the occult. A lady medium was sending them literature in series with promises of good luck and fortune. They did not see anything wrong in it. As I showed them from the Scriptures the error of the practice, the husband objected, saying that it is everywhere in America and not a hidden practice. It took time before I could convince them of the error and got the materials destroyed after some serious praying.

As I questioned the couple mentioned above on why they could go into such practice even as believers in Christ, I learned that it was out of the wife's frustration for not having her prayers answered over a school final exam. The husband concurred that he did not blame her. The new repackaging of this occult practice made it user friendly for them to dabble into it because, from their African background in pagan religion, they know the difference between Christianity and paganism.

How would any Christian leader who lives in America sit on the fence on this subject when it affects people irrespective of race and ethnicity? It is unfortunate if born again believers from foreign countries, who renounced Satanism in their own lands, get to America only to rededicate themselves to it, sometimes unaware, because it has been repackaged and made user-friendly. If adult believers hardly escape these pitfalls of the Enemy in America, what hope is there for children in the public schools and by Internet sites where paganism, witchcraft, and other forms of occultism hold sway?

Nigerian-born Herbert Eze has seven years of marketing experience and twenty years of pastoral/teaching and political experience. For three years, Eze has taught Social Science and World Religion courses at the University of Phoenix Southern California. He also serves as adjunct assistant professor of Intercultural Studies at Hope International University, Fullerton, where he teaches Cultural Anthropology.

Herbert M. Eze can be contacted by e-mail at:

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