The 700 Club with Pat Robertson


Healing Horses: Kim Meeder's Story

By Lisa Ryan and David Sisson
The 700 Club

CBN.comKim Meeder will never forget the day her parents’ divorce was final. It was the same day that Kim's father murdered her mother and then committed suicide. Kim could have been traumatized for life by what had happened, but by the grace of God, Kim has found renewed life. She now ministers to other kids in crisis at her Oregon-based ministry, Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. Lisa Ryan traveled to the West Coast to talk with Kim about how she overcame her grief through the Lord and through her love of horses.

LISA RYAN (reporting): Kim Meeder’s childhood was shattered when her father killed her mother and then committed suicide.

KIM MEEDER: I remember going into the house and there were many crying people and everyone milling around. I remember somebody telling me what had happened. They were trying to hold me, and I was fighting to get away. I just broke loose from them and ran out the back door. I was running and running, trying to escape the inescapable. Finally, I just fell down in the dirt and just cried, 'Jesus, Help Me!' and He did. That was the moment my life was changed.

LISA RYAN: In that moment did you know God’s presence was with you?

Kim Meeder and her motherKIM MEEDER: Absolutely. I just cried out to the Lord, and He came. That is the moment that Jesus came into my life. Not long after, my grandparents had the foresight to buy a little horse for me. Between the love of that little horse and the Lord, my life was saved. I remember day after day after day jumping off the bus and running down the dirt road that led to our house and just ripping off my clothes on the way in and yanking on my jeans on the way out. I just couldn’t get to her [Kim's horse] fast enough. I know that there was no better place to cry than on her neck. I would gallop as fast as I could go. I always imagined that my hurt and pain in my heart and all that I had felt through the day wasn’t fast enough to keep up. With the love of the Lord and that horse my life was saved. And I owe that all to Jesus Christ and His love expressed to me in the love of a little horse. And isn’t it like the Lord to take what the enemy means to destroy and turn it around into something that gives us life? Even in what should be remembered as the most devastating day of my life, it really was the beginning of something I could have never imagined possible.

LISA RYAN (reporting): But the story doesn’t end there. Part of what she could have never imagined possible is Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in the mountains of Oregon. Now Kim’s passion is to bring neglected horses and Kids in Crisis together. Kim and her husband, Troy, have become like mom and dad to many of the kids who come to the ranch.

KIM MEEDER: So many of the kids that come to the ranch have known the same kind of sufferings that the horses that we rescue have known, and the understanding one to another is really beyond what perhaps an outsider could understand. The interaction between broken children and broken horses, I think, is known only to God.

LISA RYAN (reporting): In her book Hope Rising, Kim shares some amazing stories of how God through these rescued horses that Kim calls "Angels in horsehair" is bringing healing to abused and neglected kids, kids like Cassandra, who was sexually abused and attempted suicide.

Kim's ranchCASSANDRA: When I attempted suicide, it was God that told me, 'You are not alone. You have a purpose.'

LISA RYAN (reporting): Out of death came life for one little girl, and now God is using her to bring that life to others.

KIM MEEDER: I can’t imagine where that grief would have gone without having the expression of that horse in my life. Only God can take our brokenness and make it into something that gives life. That is the Lord that we serve.

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