The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson


Calvary Ranch Church Nestled in the hills of California is a place where people go who have no hope. Through the years, Calvary Ranch Church has touched thousands of lives.

Robert was an alcoholic for most of his life. He finally turned to Calvary Ranch Church's recovery program for help.

"When I first came out here to join the program," he says, "I walked down the road about two-and-a-half miles. I came to a four-way stop. That was my crossroads. It was either time to turn around or walk down this road."

Robert decided to walk down the straight and narrow road.

The ranch is run by the church and is recognized by the courts, by probation, and by the parole department as one of the most effective drug and alcohol recovery programs in San Diego County.

"The world thinks nothing about drugs or alcohol being a problem today. It’s the biggest problem we have, and if we’re going to win the war on drugs, if there is such a thing, it’s going to have to start with our homes," say Pastor Tom McAloon

During the 12-step program, individuals focus on just that -- rebuilding their lives from the ground up. But people that come to the ranch get more than just sobriety.

"Like a lot of the women that get here, they’ve done a lot of things, they’ve hurt a lot of people," says one of the program's counselors. "They’re really afraid. How am I going to change? What’s going to be different about this? They meet the Lord. He’s the One. It works when you let Him in."

During their time here, program attendees read and study the Bible, work on the ranch, and have counselors they can talk to any time of day or night.

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