The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

America's Church of the Week
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700 Club Church of the Week
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Virginia Beach, VA 23463


Creating Destiny in St. Louis

By Will Dawson
The 700 Club Destiny Church of St. Louis provides ways to get their members involved in evangelism.

Pastor Jim Stern says, “People are already passionate about evangelism. They just don’t know it a lot of times.”

Most recently members of the church came together to ship care packages filled with newspapers, books, eyedrops, and facial wipes to our troops in the Middle East.

Alicia St. Ives is the Ministry Coordinator. She says, “It’s just been really great to see how God can use serving your community to make an impact on your nation and your world more than you would have ever expected.”

The church also prepared more than 300 pillows for kids at a local children’s hospital. Members have delivered to the children as well as delivering care packages to prisons and feeding the poor. Some members say the reward is in the service.

“It was a blessing back,” says Coordinator Nikki Kull. “All the work was worth it even if we only blessed one or two people. We affected hundreds, and it’s just a great feeling to know that you’re making a difference.”

For making a difference in St. Louis and throughout the world, The 700 Club commends Destiny Church in St. Louis, Missouri.

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