The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson


Faith Baptist Church Opens Vision of Hope

By Jewel Graham
The 700 Club Faith Baptist Church in Lafayette, Indiana, followed God’s leading for a new ministry and opened “Vision of Hope,” a residential care facility for teenage girls.

 “Coming to treatment centers is not always the answer, but it is amazing to be able to have an answer like this that is available when that’s the best solution,” said Jocelyn Wallace, Vision of Hope’s director.

“VOH targets girls between the ages of 14 and 28-years-old; and we are really focusing on 4 main areas: unplanned pregnancies, drug and alcohol addiction, eating disorders and matters of self harm,” Jocelyn said. “We are seeing girls that are really really hurting, they’ve made some really really horrible choices for themselves and frequently those choices happened so consistently that they become habitual for them.”

The girls voluntarily apply for the six-month program.  It’s built solely on biblical principles.

“They just know that they don’t want to hurt anymore and we offer them a chance to see how a relationship with God may benefit their pursuit of happiness and pursuit of healing,” Jocelyn said.

“So it’s not just, did they find help for alcohol abuse or for drug abuse, but did they develop tools from the word of God that can help them answer whatever question they might face down the line and live victoriously for Christ,” said Faith Baptist Church Pastor Steve Viars.

The girls have a structured schedule of daily chores, Bible classes, healthy meals and fellowship. Ruth and her mom volunteer every Thursday at the center.

“I’ve seen a lot of differences made from being here,” said volunteer, Ruth Lanz. She’s heard the girls making plans about how they can apply the biblical training they’ve learned at the center to their lives when they graduate and go out into the world.

“When girls get a hold of that truth that God has an amazing plan for their life and it does not involve suffering needlessly forever, when they get a hold of that, it’s freeing,” Jocelyn said.

“We want this to be the place, the last place that they ever need to go to for help.  We want this to be the last place that they are suffering and crying out for answers. We want them to find answers, learn how to apply them and then go on to the rest of their life in a way that is just a picture of the victory that is available through a relationship with Christ,” Jocelyn said.

Congratulations to Faith Baptist Church – America’s Church of The Week.

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