The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson


Jubilee Christian Center

By Susan Mann and Amy Turner
The 700 Club

CBN.comJubilee Christian Center in San Jose, Calif., recently purchased two Victorian homes and transformed them into safe havens for women and children.

"Destiny Homes is where women in crisis come," says Kerrilyn McGarraugh, resident director.

"Before I came into Destiny Home," says Pilar Sanchez, "I was an unfit parent, depressed and with a drug problem."

Today Pilar is a changed woman. Through the different classes that are taught here at Destiny House, Pilar has learned some important life skills.

"This program has changed my life for the better because I now have a safe place to sleep and a stable home for my children," she says. "I am learning how to parent my children."

Pastor Dick Bernal says they just recently started this ministry in March, and they've already seen how the Destiny Homes are making a big difference in people's lives.

"Destiny Homes have given our girls hope that there is a better chance for them and their kids," says Bernal. "When they first come in, their countenance is dark and very hopeless. In a matter of months, to see the glory of God in their faces, it's a great feeling."

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