The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Terry Meeuwsen and family

Return to the Ukraine: Terry Meeuwsen's Journal (part 1)

By Terry Meeuwsen
The 700 Club
April 25, 2005 Hello from Berdanysk Ukraine! After 26 hours, four plane rides, and a three-hour bus ride we are HERE! My three daughters are so excited!

Terry and her daughtersWe will visit the orphanage Monday and Tuesday and visit my daughters' grandmother on Wednesday and Thursday.

I, Alysia, Zoya, and Sophia all apprecitate your prayers and your interest in our "God Adventure". The CBN team from Virginia and the CBN-Ukraine staff with us also appreciate your prayers.

It has been on my heart and mind in the weeks preparing for my trip how God's hand is truly upon this wonderful nation. As we navigated our way through the hours and logistics of travel, the staff and I continued to marvel at the historical significance of this time for Ukraine.

We look forward to bringing you updates on the girls' travels and stories of all the wonderful things that Operation Blessing and CBN are doing in Ukraine.

The adventure continues... Read Part 2.

For more information on adoption, visit Terry's Web site.

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