The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Dave Bruno

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Author, Necessary Endings

President, Cloud-Townsend Resources

BS, psycholog, SMU

PhD, clinical psychology, Biola University

Married, two daughters



Dr. Henry Cloud: From Boundaries to Endings

By The 700 Club


A new year offers us an opportunity to end what hasn’t been working in our personal and professional lives so we can realize our full potential.  So often though, we tend to see endings as a negative rather than the positive they can be. 

Dr. Henry Cloud shows us why endings aren’t failures, but necessary opportunities for creating something better.  Whether it’s a career choice, a personal relationship or a business venture that isn’t working, it’s essential to know when and how to let go.

“The tomorrow that you desire and envision may never come to pass if you do not end some things you are doing today,” Cloud argues. When done well, “necessary endings” allow us to stop pain, foster growth, reach personal and business goals, and live better lives. When done poorly however, these good opportunities are lost, and unhappiness either remains or the cycle is repeated. While we all face these kinds of endings daily, Dr. Cloud finds that most of us fall in the latter category and don’t handle endings very well—and we need help.                      

'Necessary Endings' will help you:

  • Identify which endings are absolutely necessary in your life
  • Diagnose when a relationship does or doesn’t have hope of getting better
  • Make pruning and continuous improvement part of your regular routine
  • Normalize the idea of endings, so you can expect and welcome them, not dread them
  • Execute endings skillfully
  • Handle endings you choose as well as endings forced upon you such as layoffs or divorce
  • Stop repeating bad habits over and over again, and instead learning and moving on


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