The Christian Broadcasting Network

The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship

Pastors, Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, established in 1988 with worldwide impact today on revival

Hosts, TV show, Catch the Fire which airs in Europe and the U.S.

John is a former businessman.

They founded Jubilee Christian Fellowship in Stratford, Ontario.

John attended Ontario Bible College.

Have ministered worldwide and at the Toronto revival since 1994

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship
272 Atwell Drive
Ontario Canada M9W6M3
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John and Carol Arnott: Catch the Fire

By The 700 Club

CBN.comExperience the Love

John and Carol's church has been experiencing an outpouring of the Holy Spirit since January 1994. And it is still going strong. John describes it as a preparation for what is to come. It's like John the Baptist coming forth to make the crooked places straight.

John doesn't think the massive sweep of God has come yet, but believes we are on the front-end of that. Within the last few years, he has seen an increasing number of healings.

The Body of Christ has to learn to walk in this newness of God. To be effective in ministry we need the Holy Spirit. "When we touch someone's physical needs, you touch what leads them into a relationship with Christ," John says. When God heals someone who's been in an accident, that person knows the personal touch of the Lord and is interested to know why God loves them so. They know they didn't deserve it.

In Matthew 25, we want to be like the wise virgins who have oil in our lamps. This is not the time to be carried away with unimportant things, but we should follow after things that are led of the Spirit. God has promised to fill the hungry. The outpouring is the Father's promise to those who believe.

God loves you so that He wants to bring you to fulfillment, but a lot of people are afraid of this. They have more faith in the enemy's ability to deceive rather than in God's promise to bless. "Get filled with the Spirit," John says.

Continuing to lead others into the presence of God, the Arnotts host the Catch the Fire TV show which first aired in October 2002. The show features faith-building interviews and anointed contemporary worship. "Our prayer is that God will use this television program to help bring His revival fire into every heart and home," they say.

They also have a vision of seeing 10,000 Soaking Prayer Centers spring up all over the world. "Soaking" is a term used to describe the practice of expectantly waiting and resting in God's love, rather that striving in prayer. A Soaking Prayer Center is a place where people purposefully gather to soak. They can then walk in God's love and give it away to their communities, which could bring about revival at home and in the world.

Experience the Blessing

After attending Bible college, John pursued a varied and successful career in business. It was in 1980 while on a ministry trip to Indonesia that he responded to God's call on his life for full-time ministry. He and his wife Carol founded the Jubilee Christian Fellowship, and in 1988 founded the Toronto church. But it was on January 20, 1994, that their lives and ministry changed forever.

"Carol and I felt that we were the least qualified to lead a revival that would eventually have worldwide impact," John says. Since that time they have witnessed many remarkable miracles and testimonies. In Luke 11:11-13 the Lord tells us to press in to receive -- that our heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. Fresh and powerful experiences in the Lord are available to all, yet many stumble over them because they are unlike anything most have seen before.

The Arnotts constantly redirect the attention of people away from the look of the manifestation and onto the fruit in the person's life. "We are talking about a relationship with the King," John says. The relationship must be real. What do people learn from being on the floor? "That God is in control," he says.

Many who've been to Toronto testify to a deeper intimacy and love for the Lord. For Joseph Garlington, through great weeping and tears, God healed him of rejection. Che Ahn went to Toronto and was healed of bitterness against his father. Stephen Strang was slain in the Spirit -- only the second time this had happened to him -- and was aware that God "was doing a deep work in my heart."

John and Carol are hosting their Catch the Fire conference this week at the Founders Inn in Virginia Beach.

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