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taking down the Christmas tree
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Getting Organized

Holiday Letdown? Try Looking Ahead

Vicki Norris
Restoring Order Does the influx of clutter at the holidays get you down? Boxes and tissue to be recycled…toys and clothes to be put away….presents that crowd your surfaces way too long….a mounting pile of items to be returned…. when does it all become too much?

Don’t get me wrong: I love Christmas, but not for the gifts. It’s the experiences of the season that ignite my senses and emotions. I love baking cookies with my family and celebrating our traditional ladies’ high tea. Wrapping gifts in shimmery paper and ribbons is a special ritual. Lighting every candle in the house and enjoying a crackling fire in the fireplace; these touches make the holiday sparkle.

But after the holidays, the entire house instantly looks dusty and jumbled. Am I the only one who feels this way? While decorating the tree seemed festive at the time, doesn’t taking it down seem overwhelming? All my treasures that were such a joy to set up are now a chore to pack away.

 Isn’t it crazy how such a blessed season can actually leave us a bit depressed when it passes? When I think about it, I realize it’s the experiences of the season that I love so much, but it’s the stuff that saddles me with chores and a feeling of overwhelm.

So, how do I—and how do we—enjoy the addition of decked-out halls without hating the fallout? I think it must be in our mindset. This year, I’m going to look ahead. With my belongings, my home, and my attitude, I’m going to press into the future, into what lies ahead—instead of getting stuck in this dusty depression.

As I put away my decorations, I’m going to remember the laughter that filled my home as our family milled about our home enjoying the holiday scenes. As I clean up the pine needles and dust the furniture, I’m going to be making room for the next round of hospitality. When I re-read my holiday cards, I’m going to pick a few of these friends and make a New Year’s date to rekindle our friendships and catch up.

As I make a few returns and fight the usual crowds, I’m going to remember those who didn’t receive any presents this year and I’m going to count my blessings. As the refunds come, I’m going to resist filling my home with replacement stuff; instead I’m going to take the credits and save for something I really need. I’ll think before I cash in my gift cards; I want to make wise decisions every day this year. As I add the new clothes to my closet, I will cull out those that don’t quite fit or feel right anymore and pass them on to someone else. I’ve already got several bags started for charity, and I’m paring down, lightening up, and feeling freer.

The day or two of holiday clear-out is actually becoming a doorway I’ll pass through into a new year that holds many new adventures and possibilities. I’m looking ahead to a year where I’ll invest my time and resources into the relationships and experiences that mean the most to me.

As you wade through your own holiday backlog, may you lighten up, count your blessings, and look ahead to a future that shimmers just as gloriously as the holidays. Living a life of order is really about putting first things first so here’s to a year of fulfillment!

About the Author: Vicki Norris is an expert organizer, business owner, speaker, television personality, and author who inspires people to live out their priorities. Norris is a regular on HGTV’s nationally syndicated Mission: Organization, and is a recurrent source and contributor to national lifestyle publications including Quick & Simple magazine, Better Homes & Gardens, and Real Simple magazine. Norris is also author of Restoring Order™ to Your Home, a room-by-room household organizing guide.

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