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Freedom in Christ

What Does God Say About You?

By Linda Michaels Producer When I was growing up, (and maybe it hasn’t really changed all that much), the kids who could run the fastest, jump the highest, score the touchdown, look the coolest or land the best-looking date received honor.  The rest of us simply tried to survive in their shadow.

As a result , or maybe for reasons that go even deeper, I have fought an ongoing battle with low self-esteem.. 

A long list of counselors, wonderful friends, and pastors tried through the years to convince me of my value and worth.  However, their kind words provided only temporary relief from the feelings of insecurity that lived deep in my heart..

The truth was, only the Lord Himself could change the distorted self-image -- and He did that with a puzzle.

One day, during my prayer time, He posed a question to me.  “Linda,” He said. “What is the most valuable thing on planet earth?” It was quite a question – and it got me thinking.

I thought about diamonds, rare paintings, and athletes who make millions of dollars.  None of these seemed to be the answer He wanted.  So I sat in silence, wondering what exactly it was that He was trying to say.

Having failed to solve His puzzle, He soon lovingly and faithfully provided the answer. “Linda,” He said. “The most valuable thing in the entire world is a one-of-a-kind.

Suddenly I understood what pastors, counselors and friends had been trying to say.  My value, your value and everyone’s value could be found in this one truth.  Each of us is a unique creation.  We are a one-of-a-kind and when we are gone no one can or will ever replace us.  There will never again be a person exactly like you or exactly like me.

I was recently reminded again of that truth when I woke up one morning missing someone who died several years ago.  This person had caused me enormous pain and I was amazed that I was suddenly feeling sad that they were gone.  As I went about my day, once again puzzled, the Lord reminded me of the words He said earlier.

Every person is valuable. So, aAlthough this person had caused me a great deal of pain, I was sad because there will never be another person exactly like them – ever. 

You are His creation and every time God created something He said, “It is good.”

So, if you’re wondering what God says about you today.  Just ask Him.  He may give you an answer that is different from the one He gave me, but one thing is for sure.  It will be good.

Got comments?  E-mail me.

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