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Valorie Burton
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rich minds, rich rewards

Listen to Your Life

By Valorie Burton
Author and Motivational Speaker“I hate not knowing,” a friend complained recently as she tried to figure out some steps to take personally and professionally. “I’m used to having a game plan, but right now I feel stuck because I honestly don’t know what the right answer is. I want to plan the next stage of my life – and somehow, I feel like God’s hiding the roadmap from me!”

If you’re anything like me – or most people in the world – you like to know what’s coming next in your life. But how do you handle it when you want an answer and don’t get one? Maybe you’ve been praying for a specific answer about the next phase of your life – about a move you need to make, an important decision, a romantic partner, a change of some sort. Yet despite the fact that you’ve diligently sought an answer, it simply hasn’t come. It can be a frustrating place, but I invite you to you make a shift and try a different approach.

This week, I want you to consider an area of your life for which your vision looks cloudy. You don’t know what you want or you just don’t know what steps will be essential to take you where you want to go. Over the years, I have discovered five lessons to be learned “in the meantime.” The meantime is that waiting period between here and where you are destined to end up.

I’ve often thought I was ready for something and set out to make it happen, then later discovered there was much growth and learning that needed to occur first. At other times, it wasn’t the growth and learning, but some other circumstances that needed to line up in order for the vision to be fully realized. When you listen to your life, heeding the inner voice of the Holy Spirit, you set yourself up for divine timing and greater rewards than you may previously have imagined. Ephesians 3:20, referring to God, says, “To Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ever think or imagine …”. Waiting for your right answer is an exercise in trusting God and letting go of your attempt to control things. The truth is, we aren’t in control anyway and we expend a lot of energy trying to prove to ourselves that we are.

Wherever you feel a lack of clarity, consider these five messages that may be presenting themselves to you:

1. "No” and "wait" are legitimate answers.
You regularly hear people say, “God answered my prayer,” meaning, they got what they asked for. But God doesn’t just “answer” prayer with a “Yes.” Sometimes He says, “No.” Often, He says, “Wait.” All three are legitimate answers.

2. Let go of your need to know.
You can cause yourself a lot of stress by insisting that you always know what’s coming. Relax and enjoy the present. Trust that all things will work together for good (Romans 8:28).

3. Take a small step, then notice what happens.
If you are feeling torn about what direction to take, sometimes the best thing you can do is begin to move in one direction. Notice what happens when you do. Do you feel at peace? Are doors opening easily or is it a struggle without a purpose? Sometimes taking a small step gives you clarity about whether to continue on a particular path.

4. Delve into an area of life you’ve been neglecting.
Often, we can’t have what we think we are ready for because it’s time to address other matters. Until those are addressed, your answer will not come. What have you been avoiding? Consider your waiting period an opportunity to face the things you’ve been able to avoid for awhile – nurturing a relationship, taking care of yourself, going back to school, taking control of your finances or getting your career on track. You know what it is for you. Muster up the courage to address it.

5. Connect with God by talking - and then listening.
James 4:8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” As you contemplate a life change, make sure your decisions are rooted firmly in the divine guidance that is available to you when you get quiet to listen.

My challenge to you this week:
Stop focusing on needing to know the answers. Focus on the message that is being offered to you in the process of learning what to do next.

Journaling assignment:
What answer are you waiting on? What message is being offered to you right now? What area of your life do you need to focus on while you await your answer?

Now Booking 2007 and 2008 Speaking Engagements
We are scheduling speaking engagements for 2007 and 2008. If your company or ministry is interested in booking an engagement for a conference or event, go to and Angie Steele, Director of Public Appearances, will be in touch with you.

Coming soon - New Teleclasses and Coaching Groups!
Many of you have been asking about upcoming teleclasses. We will be making an announcement in the newsletter in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned!

A sought-after life coach and speaker, Valorie Burton’s purpose is inspiring people to live more fulfilling, less stressful lives.  She is the author of Listen to Your Life, What’s Really Holding You Back? and Rich Minds, Rich Rewards

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